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    Caveat Emptor!

Attack of the mutts!!! I need a stereo!

28 March 2003
Orlando,FL, USA
I am new at this so cut me some slack if I screw up. Anyway my 92/black NSX was recently broken into and my stereo unit, bass speaker with customized box (passenger side) was stolen. That was bad enough but they completely destroyed the lower dash and broke the window regulator in the process. The good news is they didn't get the amp or door speakers and the insurance covered most of the damage (less the deductable) but they will not cover the stereo because "it was not factory installed". Word of caution...you better check on your policy don't wait until after something like this happens. To cut to the chase I spent a good deal of money just about a year ago for a new sound system and now I am looking for a bargain. If you have some components to sell for a reasonable price I would appreciate it.

Mike Spears
Hi Mike, got your post on the Alpine head unit I'm selling (sorry for the duplicate message). Please email me privately at [email protected] (I check that one more than I'm on Prime).
Thanks, Scott