Atlantis of the sands ( A Real Lost City)

28 August 2003
A very nice read about a real lost city

I especially like that part about the scientist discovering the city having a paper on his computer posted by his colleges saying (DARE TO B STUPID) which what my colleges always say about me.

rock on NASA ( I work in a Space Research Institue my self so...)

And it was a nice touch that this city was mentioned and prescribed the wholly Qura'an because I'm Muslim.

Any way you look at it, it's just an amazing story
lemansnsx said:
Seems to have actually started a little over 20 years ago - I've ordered the book mentioned - I love a good archealogical story. :)

well yeah, I just mean it's surprising I didn't hear about it by now.

of course I don't cruise with archaeologists very often