
23 August 2001
Anyone here competes/participate in any athletic events. We all read about what NSX'ers do for a living, age, hobbies, cars they've own etc...but I dont recall if anyone on this forum that are athletes.

I love Triathlons, Road Race Bikes, competes (5K-12k), X-country mountain bike races,played Ice Hockey, Kick boxing etc...

My dream, to compete in an "Ironman Event" which consist of:
2.4 mile swim, 112 mile Bike Ride and a 26.2 mile run..anyone share the same passion?


My Bikes ready for action

[This message has been edited by spartan2-3 (edited 06 February 2003).]
Spartan - In college, I raced for the University of Colorado road and mountain bike teams. Also raced downhill mountain bikes on the NORBA circut during the summer. After a torn achilies, two plates, twelve screws, 50 staples, 200+ stiches and multiple concussions, I called it quits and got into body building.Trying to pack on mass after riding for years has been tough. I do miss my road bike...
btw - you tri guys are nuts, can't hold a line on your bikes to save your life, but damn fit! :-)
Ouchh, that sounds too painful, thats why I stayed away from downhill
X-country with less technical drop would be enough for me
. Sea Otter (Monterey) is coming up, hope I'll be in shape to race, most of my time has been with my NSX so Im out of shape. Get back on that Road Bike
Good Luck to ya...

[This message has been edited by spartan2-3 (edited 06 February 2003).]

How lucky you are to live in Colorado. I love mountain biking and go to Colorado once a year to ride in Crested Butte. I'm by far a pro or even amateur. I competed in my first adventure race last year. I love watching the Eco-challenge and hope someday to be able to enter one. Do you have any other suggestions on places to mountain bike (besides Moab).
Spartan2-3, Sea Otter is awesome, I highly reccomend it if you have never been. The Iron Man would be quite a feat. I can see why it would be hard to get on the bike...a sunny Saturday, the bike or the NSX? - definately tough to pass up the NSX. Best of luck in your competitive endevors!

Ag NSX - yep, living in Colorado is really great (and sometimes painful!). The natural beauty is something I appreciate every day! Crested Butte has some of the best riding in the world. You should also check out Fruta, CO. It is on the western slope, a few hours north east of Moab. The riding is great, and unlike Moab, it is not crawling w/ people. Durango, CO is also a great little town with beautiful trails (about 2 hours east of Moab). Steamboat Springs is a spectacular place as well.
Spartan those are some nice Cannondales you got there. Nice to see some fellow cyclists in the forum.

Back at OSU there were some pretty sweet trails I would ride on my old Barracuda. I've since fallen for a Trek 5200, my second baby (NSX being the first). I've done the MS150 for a few years now and have condsidered doing a cylce across America tour. Its a coast to coast that takes about 2 mos for ~$5K. Anyone done this?
I bet when you Coloradoans come down to sea level you can kick some serious butt-hell I havnt figured out how to pace myself drinking at 10000ft yet.

FWI: last year on the MS150 (Pedal to the point) our group passed a guy in his 50's riding the tour on a unicylcle mounted with A mountain bike tire. If I had not seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it.