aspirator fan Q

25 November 2004
Upstate NY
I just removed my center console facia and decided to clean out the aspirator fan as it was filled with thick dust . I cleaned it w electrical contact cleaner and was careful to not get any on the sensor ( although a bit have have gotten on it). In taking it apart, I only removed the 2 screws in order to clean it out beter. I didn't do any meddling/adjusting of the fan itself.The fan seemed to be always on before I cleaned it. It spins freely when I blow into it, but it didn't spin wnen I plugged it back in for a test w the ignition key turned to the accessory position.

Q's--is this fan supposed to always run continuously once the ignition is turned on? Also, what would be the consequence if this were not to work? Any ideas about what could be wrong and how to fix it ( if it's broken)?
Ah ha--I was just about to edit my post when I saw your reply! I removed the ccu for repair. So, without the ccu plugged in , would the fan work?