ASCC engine?

Has Honda said anything at all about the ASCC engine other than V10? Size? HP?

SpeedTV speculates it might be a 3L V10 (
If so, everyone will whine that it's too little and not enough torque or power. I think a 400hp, 10K rpm 3L V10 would be pretty exciting in a street car if they keep the weight down.

ASCC is still no NSX successor. :frown:

3.0L V10 with 20" rims? Highly doubt it. It should be at least 4.0 liters to have 'enough' torque to compete with others in the class (Vette, M6, GTR etc..), and I hope, but seriously doubt that the weight will be kept down...(3300 lbs+)

If it was a 3.0 V10 MR car (I know, not enough space, but V8 might do) that would be awesome.
Lexus already said theres will be over 500hp. I hope honda gives this car some serious juice since it already looks to be a pig in the weight dept.
3.0L V10 with 20" rims? Highly doubt it. It should be at least 4.0 liters to have 'enough' torque to compete with others in the class (Vette, M6, GTR etc..), and I hope, but seriously doubt that the weight will be kept down...(3300 lbs+)

If it was a 3.0 V10 MR car (I know, not enough space, but V8 might do) that would be awesome.

Maybe it's this with another 2 cylinders.
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