Arizona shooting

It's even more chilling to know that this guy was no dummy who lost his temper. He had this planned for a long time. Creepy.
Ya, thats some messed up ****, I got a bunch of friends who go to that school....thank god there was no one hurt in any crossfire....
I don't believe in exacting this kind of retribution nor do I think this is the best way to make a statement, but to read of all the trials and tribulations that this guy faced. And to hear how people could so nonchalantly brush him off and dismiss and trample on him, really is a travesty. If what he says is true, the University of Arizona should be very very ashamed.
all I can say after reading that is it freaked me out.the guy was suffering clinical depression.if he had seeked out help people would still be alive.very disturbing.
too tragic in a multitude of ways. a real 'tradgedy' as something like this starts long long before it actually happens. too sad that someone around him didnt make a difference. he was obviously very disturbed for a long time.
Would you really classify him as disturbed though? I would more likely categorize him as disenchanted and distraught.
with the exception of self-defense, we really arent wired to kill one another because of our connection between self and others. can we overcome this, sure, but it takes a lot of effort. there are some people who are exceptions to this, who cant make the connection "i dont like pain, others dont like pain, hurting others is like hurting myself". thats why most non self-defense killings are by sociopaths(they cant see themself in others-no connection) and self-destructive individuals(they are hurting others and themselves simultaneously).

overly simplified pop psychology but we classify these people as having a disorder--or in lay terms as 'disturbed'