Are there really that many sex offenders??

Priests and clowns are automatically pedophiles in my book, unless I get to know them... Male teachers, I give them an automatic +2 / 10 on the pedophile scale just because their in a kid-supervisor type of industry. Well I don't know any clowns, but I just don't trust them.

Especially here in Southern CA with Cardinal Mahony constantly shuffling his pedophile priests around when they're caught, and withholding evidence from his investigation and allowing priests he knows are raping kids to circulate back in the system.. It's sick. Sorta like those unionized teachers with tenure that just get slapped on the wrist and reshuffled around the CA school system. The really sick thing is that the Catholic church and the CA unions are so powerful they get away with that stuff since all of Sacramento is bought and paid for.

Sex offender eye wear.

Why? can you relate to this?
i think it'll be interesting to see - now that the law enforcement folks - arrested him, how the legal system handles the case.

the last para of this version of the situation says much of what i was thinking re burden of proof:

edit: yes, i can relate. i've been alone in my home many times.
i think it'll be interesting to see - now that the law enforcement folks - arrested him, how the legal system handles the case.

the last para of this version of the situation says much of what i was thinking re burden of proof:

edit: yes, i can relate. i've been alone in my home many times.

virginia is also known for giving speeding tickets for 1MPH above the limit......