Are there really that many sex offenders??

That is pretty crazy that there is so many of them out there and especially a lot living near schools......but

You have to take the word sex offender and look at each individuals case.

Like the case of the kid who streaked at a Minnesota highschool football game. He might have to register as a sex offender just for doing a dumb stunt.

Or the guys who are 18 and have consential sex with their 17 year old gf and get labeled as a sex offender.

The system is pretty screwed up......I think 99% of the sex offenders are probably that, but the few like the highschool kid doing the stupid stunts should not be labeled like that.

Does that incident make him a sex offender......I don't think so, but the state might label him one just for that revenge of the nerds stunt.

But yeah that is crazy hows theres so many of them right in our backyard.

Move them out to the desert like death valley.
.....You have to take the word sex offender and look at each individuals case.

Like the case of the kid who streaked at a Minnesota highschool football game. He might have to register as a sex offender just for doing a dumb stunt.

Or the guys who are 18 and have consential sex with their 17 year old gf and get labeled as a sex offender.

The system is pretty screwed up......I think 99% of the sex offenders are probably that, but the few like the highschool kid doing the stupid stunts should not be labeled like that......


The media has really ran amok with the word "Sex Offender".

It's no surprise.

They had something similar with the Salem Witch hunt. Any girl that points someone out for alledged witchcraft will be burned at the stake.

I suspect that by some of these laws that half the guys in the USA should be sex offenders.

Some examples: U are a 17 year old senior in high school. u have a GF that is a Sophomore who is 15. U go out on a date. Things are looking good. U kiss, touch her breasts, but by the time ur down to her pants she has some second thoughts about "saving it" or being called a slut, etc. She resists, but u think it's just a natural girl instinct, u pursue fingering her since u are stronger and hope that she will succumb to pleasures of the flesh.

After a few seconds of rubbing the man in the boat she relaxes and has her first big O.

Is that defined as sexual assault?

I think so. And I suspect that is how most teenagers sexperience their "first"

Let's take it one more step.

That guy is still with his gal. He turns 18 and she is under 18. Technically, here in California, that's a sex offender.

Let's move on to different cultures.

Back in college I took a course in Cultural Anthropology. One of the courses that I actually found interesting for the GE curriculum.

One of the topics that was discussed was sexual values and morals in various non-western-non-judeo/christian cultures. An example was cited where the mothers in Polynesia and Micronesia would frequently rub the penis' of their baby boys as pacifiers.

1. baby boy would cry
2. mom would check to see if everything ok
3. baby continues to cry
4. mom rubs dick
5. baby stops crying (looks stoned)

There were no mental ill effects, etc.

If this were to happen in USA, she would be a sex offender.

SO what is right and wrong?

Do the USA have any right (in the name of human rights) to go and tell other cultures what is right and wrong?
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Sex is the final frontier in the USA.
You can be deemed a sex offender if you get caught having
sex in public (say, in your car) with a consenting adult.

Someone who'd done prison time for shooting and killing someone
lived on my block, but he was never cataloged like sex offenders are.
This goes along with the mentality of murder being more acceptable to
show on TV than sex.
interestingly enaugh sex is everywhere in public and tv in europe, yet they do not have this 'sex offender' problem in such a scale.
once again, the more you try to suppress something the harder the backlash.
Some examples: U are a 17 year old senior in high school. u have a GF that is a Sophomore who is 15. U go out on a date. Things are looking good. U kiss, touch her breasts, but by the time ur down to her pants she has some second thoughts about "saving it" or being called a slut, etc. She resists, but u think it's just a natural girl instinct, u pursue fingering her since u are stronger and hope that she will succumb to pleasures of the flesh.

After a few seconds of rubbing the man in the boat she relaxes and has her first big O.


After reading your story I'm going to have to rub one out while sitting at my desk...what does that make me??:tongue::wink::redface:
Some examples: U are a 17 year old senior in high school. u have a GF that is a Sophomore who is 15. U go out on a date. Things are looking good. U kiss, touch her breasts, but by the time ur down to her pants she has some second thoughts about "saving it" or being called a slut, etc. She resists, but u think it's just a natural girl instinct, u pursue fingering her since u are stronger and hope that she will succumb to pleasures of the flesh.

After a few seconds of rubbing the man in the boat she relaxes and has her first big O.


After reading your story I'm going to have to rub one out while sitting at my desk...what does that make me??:tongue::wink::redface:

Breaking the law for ntent to have sex with a minor, quite literally. Be careful, Dan Rather might show up.

Note: I abhor child sexual predators, but as a complete tangent , the precedents set the way they are entrapping people on the show goes too far...

Intent is one thing, attempt is another...
There's TONS..

Check it out,

You can see their photos..

I live in Orange County and there's 2 in a 50mi radius..

I put in my girl friend's Los Angeles ZIP code.. there's like 3 on her block and 40+ in the same radius.

Basically, most pedophiles have the classic child-molester mustache, are males, old, either look like creepy guys or gangsters. It pretty much confirms a lot of stereo types. 9/10 the molesters look like what you think a molester would look like.
Basically, most pedophiles have the classic child-molester mustache, are males, old, either look like creepy guys or gangsters. It pretty much confirms a lot of stereo types. 9/10 the molesters look like what you think a molester would look like.
you're probably not too far off as far as you go, but there are identified / prosecuted child molesters and there are those - i suspect it is many multiples of the prosecuted types - who are never identified and / or prosecuted. family members. teachers. clergy. friends of the family. people who are known. (not unlike rapists, i believe)
Priests and clowns are automatically pedophiles in my book, unless I get to know them... Male teachers, I give them an automatic +2 / 10 on the pedophile scale just because their in a kid-supervisor type of industry. Well I don't know any clowns, but I just don't trust them.

Especially here in Southern CA with Cardinal Mahony constantly shuffling his pedophile priests around when they're caught, and withholding evidence from his investigation and allowing priests he knows are raping kids to circulate back in the system.. It's sick. Sorta like those unionized teachers with tenure that just get slapped on the wrist and reshuffled around the CA school system. The really sick thing is that the Catholic church and the CA unions are so powerful they get away with that stuff since all of Sacramento is bought and paid for.
The scum of the country come here. Maybe simply for the fact the can live cheap and live warm. It's amazing how many pieces of shit we have here. I've seen this sort of thing for years and it sickens me... but what can you do.
yes and no, I think it has more to do with the fact that they give give them out like candy

18 year old got caught sleeping with his 16/17 year old girlfriend? yup he's a sex offender

couple of kids take a dare to streak at a sports event? yup, sex offenders

it's kind of sad too because it really destroys what the sex offender registry is supposed to help
you are a 'sex offender' if you take a leak in a wrong place as well.

Sex is the final frontier in the USA.
You can be deemed a sex offender if you get caught having
sex in public (say, in your car) with a consenting adult.

Someone who'd done prison time for shooting and killing someone
lived on my block, but he was never cataloged like sex offenders are.
This goes along with the mentality of murder being more acceptable to
show on TV than sex.

oh yeah these too, I forgot them
interestingly enough sex is everywhere in public and tv in europe, yet they do not have this 'sex offender' problem in such a scale.
once again, the more you try to suppress something the harder the backlash.

Mmmm....not realy. It used to be like that. You are right with that.

However, it becomes an issue here much more. These days you will find that sex offenders are spit out by society and even kicked out of their houses and streets they live in.
Oke, sex offenders here are rapists and such, not so much the guy who had his hands down a girls panties when being young.
True, in the old days you could get away with anything here in Holland, and especially Amsterdam. These days gay people are getting molested pretty badly all over, and even in Amsterdam!
They are also trying to close down the red-lights, and fetish partys or anything risky is history. Talking about going back in time.

What really is a concerning development down here in europe is pedophobia.

(if you look up pedophobia in a dictionary you will find many meanings. In this case it refers to the hysterical fear of parents for the abuse of children)
Priests and clowns are automatically pedophiles in my book, unless I get to know them... Male teachers, I give them an automatic +2 / 10 on the pedophile scale just because their in a kid-supervisor type of industry. Well I don't know any clowns, but I just don't trust them.
wow. just wow.
Just this morning on the way to work I heard that some Virginian man was making coffee in the nude in his house and was spotted by the neighbor kid and his mom through the window.

He now faces jail time and may have to be a registered sex offender.

At this rate that list will get so high that no one will really care.

It will be a passing joke to call someone a sex offender in public like calling them mothafocker.....


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Just this morning on the way to work I heard that some Virginian man was making coffee in the nude in his house and was spotted by the neighbor kid and his mom through the window.

He now faces jail time and may have to be a registered sex offender.

At this rate that list will get so high that no one will really care.

It will be a passing joke to call someone a sex offender in public like calling them mothafocker.....

what a load of BS, don't they realize by doing this they make the list utterly pointless