Are the most mainstream cars the most exciting?

13 September 2010
Livonia, MI
This is a short discussion about how we can become numb to the cars that are seen all over the internet or in person all the time. What are your thoughts on this?


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Reminds me of this dude

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I think this is something everyone is experiencing and also the reason why I have been losing interest in modern so called "supercars".

Back in 1990s, the difference between "sportscars" and "supercars" were very distinctive.

Look at sportscars in 1990s....
Mazda RX-7
Honda NSX
Ford Mustang
Chevrolet Corvette
Pontiac Firebird
Mitsibishi 3000GT
Nissan 300ZX
Toyota Supra

and supercars in 1990s....
McLaren F1
Jaguar XJ220
Lamborghini Diablo
Ferrari F50
Porsche 911 GT1
Isdera Commondatore 112i
Bugatti EB110
BMW Nazca
Vector M12

Not just styling, but the diffrence in performance was HUGE.

Fast forward today, Corvette ZR-1, SRT Viper, Nissan GT-R, and all the "sportscar" can smoke modern "supercars" Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche.
Even Mustang is getting 662hp and Camaro is getting 570hp.

Back in the day...5.0L V8 Mustangs had like 225hp, and Ferrari F50 had like 513hp. But nowadays...I don't know. Mustang GT500 apparently handles exceptionally well, and you might say Ferrari handles well or something but GT-R and ZR-1 can smoke Ferrari and Lambo around on Nurburgring.
and obviously mainstream does NOT mean most exciting.

that's same with anything...what about music?
are the most mainstream music always the most exciting ones?

I think this is something everyone is experiencing and also the reason why I have been losing interest in modern so called "supercars".

Back in 1990s, the difference between "sportscars" and "supercars" were very distinctive.

Look at sportscars in 1990s....
Mazda RX-7 = nice
Honda NSX = wrong list
Ford Mustang not sportscar
Chevrolet Corvette No Offense but the 90's Vettes are JUNK
Pontiac Firebird WTF?
Mitsibishi 3000GT nice car, but no offense not near NSX overall performance
Nissan 300ZX nice car, but no offense not near NSX overall performance
Toyota Supra = nice

and supercars in 1990s....
McLaren F1
Jaguar XJ220
Lamborghini Diablo
Ferrari F50
Porsche 911 GT1
Isdera Commondatore 112i (0.1 of a second faster tan a 3.2 NSX to 60)
Bugatti EB110
BMW Nazca = POS
Vector M12 = POS

Since you brought the 90's back, you remember the 90's? You think a Firebird a "SPORTSCAR" and a pos (but nice looking otherwise) Vector M12 an "SUPERCAR" ?? really?

You know what made the NSX a supercar in 1991? I don't think you do, when I drive my friends incredible (but heavy) Murcielago and I go back to mine, I do not feel like I am driving a non supercar (in terms of overall performance) same goes to other much more "modern" and expensive "exotic/super" cars I had the pleasure to drive, that is the difference many people don't know ... ...

Facepalm ...

And mainstream cars like F430 and Gallardo are indeed kind of played out.

Cizeta Moroder V16T

Shayton Equibrium

Isdera Commendatore 112i

Heuliez Pregunta

Lotec Sirius

B Engineering Edonis

Lotec C1000

Zenvo ST1

Marussia B1

Marussia B2

Porsche Schuppan 962
Sheezus, Timpo. I try to follow cars but you just pulled out like eleven cars I'd never heard of and yet would trade a nut for.:eek:
You guys definitely get what I am saying, thank you! I love the cars you posted above, especially the Cizeta V16 and the Isdera Commendatore. In Youtube videos, I've seen enough Gallardos and Scuderias. I like those cars, but they are, as I said, overplayed songs on the radio.

and obviously mainstream does NOT mean most exciting.

that's same with anything...what about music?
are the most mainstream music always the most exciting ones?

I have been saying that for years!! I've heard people bash supercars they weren't familiar with and say, "If it was any good we probably would have heard of it." My response is, "So does that mean Justin Bieber has the best music, and McDonald's has the best food?"

Sheezus, Timpo. I try to follow cars but you just pulled out like eleven cars I'd never heard of and yet would trade a nut for.:eek:
looks like MArussia B2 picture didn't work so here you go...along with a bit more pics. :biggrin:

Marussia B2

De Macross GT1

HTT Plethore

Jiotto Caspita (Powered by Judd V10)

Subaru Jiotto Caspita (Powered by Subaru Boxer-12)

Genty Akylone