Are sleeping pills bad?

Sleeping pills can and do become addictive. In addition, your body developing a tolerance after the first couple of weeks. Also, point that most people are unaware of, is that the pills usually contain an antihistamine, as in most sinus medications, and will make your nose, mouth and eyes dry.

Don't take a higher dose than prescribed, or mix with sedatives or alcohol. If the dosage no longer works, it is best to discontinue the medication.

It is always best to discuss with your doctor first if you are having problems sleeping instead of reaching for those pills. Make sure that you ask when is the best time before bed to take the medication, the side effects you may get, and report any side effects that you may be having.

Another drawback is that sleep mediation will stay in your blood stream, so you may not feel very "refreshed" the following morning. It can give you a hangover effect.

There has been much debating amongst researchers and medical experts on the use of sleep induces, or sleeping pills. They do however, offer some short term help.

There are a lot of other alternatives you can try - don't drink coffee after dinner, try a relaxing warm bath, don't drink alcoholic beverages, eat a light dinner at an earlier hour, change your exercise routines, try natural herb remedies, don't go to bed worried or mad - relax, it will help.

I used to take sleeping pills and I don't recommend that people take them. I would sometimes get that "disconnected" feeling after waking up and my body would feel odd the rest of the day. They are very addictive and your body develops a tolerance to them fairly quickly, so you'll find yourself taking more. I took them because of stress, but I stopped as soon as I realized that they weren't really helping me at all. Once in a while is fine, but taking them on a regular basis isn't a good idea.