Are people getting more stupid?

2 March 2003
San Francisco
Are people just getting more stupid? I went into a large, national department store, which won't be named, today to purchase a gift for my wife...

I couldn't find a store director anywhere, so I approached a sales lady at the jewelry counter:

Me: Excuse me. Where could I find a cashmere turtleneck for wife?

Her: In the ladies department.

Me: Really? What a novel concept. When did they start doing that?

Her: I don't know.

Me: Perhaps you could tell me where that ladies department might be located?

Her: On the third floor.

Me: Thank you. You've found your calling dealing with the public.

Now that was being cut off twice by the same person while driving to the store, watching some lady BACKING through an intersection, and seeing the lemmings lined up to park in the "FULL" parking lot. I was a little grumpy by the time I arrived at the store.

I realize half of the people in the world have an IQ of less than 100, but have they all moved to my town?
Stupid people

At least she spoke English. Come around my neck of the woods and you will feel like you are somewhere where our language is well ... no longer used. Add to that less than perfect education and the rest is ....... NY.
Ahhh...The joys of living in a small town located around a Ivy league college. Life is good here. Very few people and most of them are intelligent.
Ah, maybe she was messing with you. Retail employees tend to get bitter during the craze of the holidays. I used to do the same myself when I worked as a bartender.

Customer: Excuse me sir, where are the bathrooms?

Me: Oh they are right next to the telephones.

Customer: Where are the telephones?

Me: Right next to the bathrooms. :D

We would make a joke out of it, but it helped pass the time. We would also answer questions with something completely off the wall to see the confusing look on people's faces.

Customer: What time do you have?

Me: Oh yes please, I would love some.

and then you walk away for a second and see the look on their face trying to figure out what they said that warranted my answer. Of course, I always went right back and joked with them. ;)
another issue for concern is the <100 crowd seems to be procreating at a disroportionately high rate. Have fun in 20 years!
WOODY said:
another issue for concern is the <100 crowd seems to be procreating at a disroportionately high rate. Have fun in 20 years!

....and it seems to be the idiots that are having 5 or more.
Re: Stupid people

saxonsaxon said:
At least she spoke English. Come around my neck of the woods and you will feel like you are somewhere where our language is well ... no longer used. Add to that less than perfect education and the rest is ....... NY.
Don't forget So. Cal.!!! Went to a fast food burger joint the other day and the order taker could barely speak english. She gets rude with me cuz I don't want the "Value Meal" Then she cannot conceptulize what I am ordering. Burger no pickles, Chili with cheese and onions, a small order of French Fries. Not real complicated! What do I get. Chili no cheese and no onions. No French Fries. She actually got the Burger right! My opinion is if they can't fricken speak and understand English don't put them on as an order taker!! This is way annoying. The Shift Manager couldn't comprehend what I was complaining about. What a f--in joke.