Are new gaskets needed with Compech exhaust?

29 January 2004
I just got my Compteck exhaust and hope to install it tomorrow. Can the oem gaskets usually be reused? How about the old nuts and bolts? 2001 with 22,000 miles. Jeff
Re: Are new gaskets needed with Comptech exhaust?

I'm gonna have to differ with Hugh here:

The bolts and nuts can be re-used. I've never had a problem with doing so. I'm pretty sure the OEM nuts are self locking and are recommended to be replaced after each use.

As for the gaskets: they are essentially large crush washers. I do not reuse them because leaking exhaust fumes can be really corrosive and damage the sealing surface very quickly. If you can replace them: do so.

The good thing is that the gaskets are used on many other Honda products, they are cheap and readily available.

So my local dealer would likley have these in stock?? Any part # or interchangability with other hondas?? Jeff
I installed the comptech exhaust today and it was a "piece of cake". The nuts came right off and the gaskets were in nice condition.
When it quits raining, and dries up, I will see what she sounds like..... Jeff
Stock can weights 49 pounds
comptech 30 pounds
The nuts came right off and the gaskets were in nice condition.

No dude. The gaskets get permanently compressed when used the first time. They do not spring back into original shape upon removal. It is like trying make aluminum foil flat gotta start with new material.

If you had new gaskets you would have discovered significant difference in thickness of the old vs new gaskets. There is no reference for you to compare to "nice condition"

You do as you like though: it is a free country. You might have gotten lucky and the Comptech exhaust has a closer tolerance than OEM and, therefore, the gaskets were further compressed: I don't know.

The NSX exhaust gasket is used on many Honda products, such as the Civic (from memory).

This post is just for other people that *might search* and need the answer.

Drew, I will go by the dealer and check out new gaskets. I have not leak tested my system yet, but it isn't hard to put some new ones in. Thanks for the heads up. jeff
When Acura of Brookfield did my CT headers, they reused my gaskets. They said they were in great shape. If you are near a dealership and in doubt, get new ones.