Arab drifting crash video

3 February 2006
So Cal
Well it finally happened. Luckily there were no other vehicles involved...

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Man, that's a testiment to wearing seat belts.

I do not, can NOT, just boggels my mind that some people would refuse to wear seat belts and/or lifejackets. I just don't understand it. Seriously, I am so confused.. It's like telling me 2+2=5 when I hear of people not doing such a basic selfy, not precaution - REQUIREMENT and common sense. It's that incomprehensible.. Would you go to war without a bullet-proof vest & helmet (should you have that option.... ins some/most countries) I don't think so..

Hundreds, no, thousands of people die that could be saved by seatbelts/lifejackets. There was a recent story where a father and I think his daughter died b/c they were not wearing a life jacket. I'm thinking for the father - "well, it's your fault.." and for the daughter I'm thinking of the father" Are you crazy?? How irresponsible, stupid, for the father and downright

Personally, when it comes to putting kids life in danger by not having them wear seatbelts/lifejackets, I think those people should go to jail and be fined big time/ I'm not kidding. If you have a childs life in your hands and you recklessly risk it, you need to be punished...

Anyway, that's my rant. Hope no one gets offended that might be in the group above...I get pretty emotional when I get in cars with people not wearing seatbelts. I dread the day that I hear about them on the news...

As far as those guys - think they could have made it? I mean, it might be better then continue rolling and break your neck. They did go far, but one of the guys landed on earth...
I do not, can NOT, just boggels my mind that some people would refuse to wear seat belts and/or lifejackets.

What I don't get is, why is it the law to wear a seatbelt but not a helmet in multiple states:confused: I really just don't get that one at all.
Don't think for one minute that the government is trying to protect us with seatbelt or helmet laws. They are trying to protect the payouts that insurance companies have. When have you guys paid your lobbyist? I'll bet the insurance industry can tell you how much and when they paid theirs.
It's like cigarettes, the government doesn't want to 'protect' us from them. They make too much in taxe$ to 'outlaw' them. So again I ask, have you paid your lobbyist today?
It is strange how some states treat helmets and seat belts. Go figure it's the government. :rolleyes:
Maybe I should have titled this thread "Always wear your seatbelt/lifejacket" :confused:

Don't think for one minute that the government is trying to protect us with seatbelt or helmet laws. They are trying to protect the payouts that insurance companies have. When have you guys paid your lobbyist? I'll bet the insurance industry can tell you how much and when they paid theirs.
It's like cigarettes, the government doesn't want to 'protect' us from them. They make too much in taxe$ to 'outlaw' them. So again I ask, have you paid your lobbyist today?
It is strange how some states treat helmets and seat belts. Go figure it's the government. :rolleyes:

+ 1
When I visited Hawaii, I was shocked to see people riding motorcycles without helmets.

All the time here in florida I see people riding, in fli flops, shorts and a t-shirt. When I used to ride, I would just look at the ground at whatever speed and think man that would hurt if I fell with only a t-shirt and shorts and no helmet on, it would hurt anyway but more than likely I would live to see another day.