April 12th, how about it NE

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
This looks like it could be an interesting day, it's in nearby Bridgeport CT, let's see some interest!
Open House and Detailing Tech Session
All car enthusiasts and clubs are invited to Black Horse Garage on April 12 for our annual open house. This year, we’re featuring the detailing professionals from Griot’s, makers of some of the world’s finest car care products • Learn to apply waxes and polishes properly • Find quick ways to remove scratches and swirls • Tour our shop and see over 60 rare sports cars and classics For directions, email us at [email protected], visit blackhorsegarage.com or call us at 203-330-9694 This free event is open to the public and runs from 10AM to 4PM. It’s a rare opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at one of the top restoration facilities, meet our craftsmen and get detailing tips and tricks.
Sponsor: Black Horse Garage
When: 2008-04-12, 10AM to 4PM
Location: 726 Union Avenue
Cost: FREE
To Register: Click here for more information or call Dori Buonanno at 203-330-9604 or call Stace Caseria at 203-330-9604 or e-mail us
Wish I could but my refurbished NSX will be making its debut at Lime Rock that day. Pick up some tips for me on how to keep the facelift fresh.
What do you figure the probability of one making it out Bridgeport with than NSX is? It can't be too good. Last time I was down there I was looking at a car. It was a Mustang. I didn't bother to ask why the key holes were punched in on the driver door...

I've got a Stag party, golf deal, so I'm out.
The GF and I will be in Myrtle Beach sipping captains watchin the waves brake on the beach.:cool::smile:

Sounds like fun but, I don't think I can make it.:biggrin:
Hi Rog;

I might make it?? If I have my car back from having the roof painted.. I to
am going after those trophies this year. I will see if the weather & time allow
to get down there.. Im not scared.

Keith this is in your backyard maybe we'll see ya there??
Hi Rog;

I might make it?? If I have my car back from having the roof painted.. I to
am going after those trophies this year. I will see if the weather & time allow
to get down there.. Im not scared.

Keith this is in your backyard maybe we'll see ya there??
Clem, you'd have to leave now!!!! I hope that Keith does make it, would be great to see him! How about the rest of you NE'ers, take the covers off, unplug the trickle chargers, check the tire pressure and let's get together!!!
Clem, you'd have to leave now!!!! I hope that Keith does make it, would be great to see him! How about the rest of you NE'ers, take the covers off, unplug the trickle chargers, check the tire pressure and let's get together!!!

I would love to attend, but I have a prior engagement which I cannot cancel.

Please have fun.
I don't want you to hang by yourself so I will take a ride with you. :) We can go up the Merit Pkwy, it is such a nice twisty road.
I don't want you to hang by yourself so I will take a ride with you. :) We can go up the Merit Pkwy, it is such a nice twisty road.
Alright Simon, now we're cooking, the Merrit is nice (well patrolled, but nice), c'mon what about the rest of you slackers!!!
I'm going to try and make it down. I'll be there at 10am sharp though as I can only stay for about 1 hr.

Clem: I've still got your AC thermometer. Got to get that back to you. If you want to go down early, stop by my house on the way.
me out...date w/ ginnie & ron....:smile:
dana too.....:smile: and you will get pix.
Phew, I was frightened for a bit, now not so much, pictures of Ginny, Ron and Dana are fine, please stay behind the lens!!!!!
PS send my regards!:wink:
This was awesome, I'm glad that Simon and Andrea joined me, as well as another friend from another forum. He took some pictures and I'll try and get them posted up over here. It was a great time, even took the top off on the way back home! Sorry you wusses missed it. There was another NSX that made it from NJ, met the guy, he does get on prime, forgot his name, car looked good, red with ARK exhaust (Not Allan, no bling wheels!!). You guys got to get out more!:biggrin:
I was thinking yesterday that it turned into quite a nice day for an event, so I'm glad you all had a nice time. I haven't even taken the cover off of my car since last July at Lime Rock - too many life issues weighing me down. It's been a bad year on many levels:frown: Nuff said.
I was thinking yesterday that it turned into quite a nice day for an event, so I'm glad you all had a nice time. I haven't even taken the cover off of my car since last July at Lime Rock - too many life issues weighing me down. It's been a bad year on many levels:frown: Nuff said.
That's exactly why you need to take the cover off and clear out the cobwebs!!! Would have loved to see you yesterday, we've got to make some plans!
Keith you have to at least enjoy the car,and forget the problems if for only afew hours.The weather in NE Pa was great so I cleaned the garage floor and spent hours disuading nesting birds from moving in with us:mad: