Apple doctors photo evidence of lawsuit against Samsung

22 August 2006

We're not about to come out and say Apple deliberately altered key visual evidence in the recent proceedings in Germany, which resulted in European imports screeching to an abrupt halt. We will just let the pictures speak for themselves. Dutch website Webwereld has compared the some of the images from the court documents (read them here, in German) to reality and found some disturbing differences. In Apple's images, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 has been shown with a different aspect ratio (1:36 as opposed to the actual 1:46 -- the iPad is 1:30), causing it to more closely resemble the dimensions of the iPad. This accounts for a full eight percent difference in the "short" side of the Tab, and you can see the result above. If that weren't enough, the Samsung logo has been removed from Apple's image, and of course it's shown with the app drawer open instead of the normal home screen view.

Make what you will of this, but I'll imagine it had an impression on the German courts.

So basically Apple blacks out the Samsung logo, widens the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in portrait mode and puts the tablet in the app drawer to make it look like an Ipad2.

If you look at the actual photo of the Galaxy Tab 10.1, you can see that the tablet is normally used in landscape mode with widgets..... way to go Apple, you suck, good bye.


Sorry but thats pretty blatant on Samsung's part.

GASP! You mean it's pretty blatant that tablets look like tablets and packaging form factor really doesn't vary much considering the contents with devices such as these? Turn the Galaxy tab to landscape mode, the mode for normal viewing and does it still look blatant?

What's the blatant part?


Sorry but thats pretty blatant on Samsung's part.

If the bottoms of the box was put parallel to each other the height difference would be bigger. Also if the screen was on, the size and aspect ratio of the screens would be more pronounced.
GASP! You mean it's pretty blatant that tablets look like tablets and packaging form factor really doesn't vary much considering the contents with devices such as these? Turn the Galaxy tab to landscape mode, the mode for normal viewing and does it still look blatant?

What's the blatant part?

I think he's talking about the packaging, not just the tablets. When the iphone 1 came out in 2007, it was packaged like this, where the very top thing when you opened the box was the phone sitting on a clear plastic cradle. There was no visible "packaging" as a barrier for you to overcome before you could look at and handle your new purchase. This same theme continued into later iphones and the first iPad. Samsung no doubt learned lessons from this and made a similar box.

Also, if you look at Samsung's mail client, it is amazingly identical to the iPad's mail client, down to the highlight color, three column layout showing the first part of each message as a preview, and so on. That is how the ipad 1 worked a year and a half ago, and Samsung introduced this mail client this year.
I'm willing to bet that there's much more to this story. I can't imagine any large, well-lawyered company making such an obviously amateurish attempt of deception. Particularly Apple.
Do monitor manufacturers pay royalties to some company that patented the design? I mean, I have a handful of monitors here and they're all basically the same...rectangles with black bezel and buttons either on the front or the edge. How many variations of the basic form are there? Did Apple invent the rectangle monitor with minimal bezel? The patent system is seriously a disaster.

Oh, GRiDpad circa 1989:

"It ran on a 386SL 20MHz processor with a 80387SX coprocessor with 20MB RAM and 40, 60, 80 or 120MB hard drive. It had a 10" diagonal backlit VGA display with 32 gray scales. There was a built in PCMCIA card slot, an internal fax/modem card, a floppy drive port and a standard keyboard port. Operating time was about 3 hours on NiCad battery pack."
There are a number of pictures, and the stupidly altered one is just one. In fact, look at page 39 where they show the two next to each other sitting in their open boxes.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was something as simple as the "insert image" command scaling the pic to the table box in the word doc, not an intentional altering of the image.
I was under the general impression that form follows function :confused: at face value, their corporate bickering and manipulation all seems rather silly to me.

The external dimensions and form factor is a minor point for the infringement case. Most of the problems are with the OS and the outright copying of graphical elements and UI. Apple went to great lengths designing and polishing the UI of the iPad and iPhone and they deserve the intellectual property protection that is theirs. Apple has hundreds of patents that pertain to iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad.

Remember, Google had a "spy" on Apple's board of directors for sometime.

At least MSFT didn't clone or steal the iPhone/iOS UI in their latest WinPhone incarnation.
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That's non sense jimbo, android is quit a bit different from ios. I still can't figure out how to use an iphone yet because there is only one button. Also android has multiple home screens, has widgets, has an app drawer, can true multitask, has so much customization that even a jail broken iphone can dream off. A stock non rooted/rom'ed android is already more customizable from the keyboard to, launchers, messaging app, to live wall papers, fonts, scroll style and etc. A rooted phone the skys the limit esp when you include themes

Also when ios 5 comes out they will FINALLY have a drop down notification bar like what android's been having since the beginning, so the messages will not clutter up the screen, and certain version have short cuts. I wonder if google will sue apple for stealing that from them. Also not to mention google just bought out motorola mobil so they now would have a bigger patent porfolio than apple. In fact HTC is now suing apple for patent infringement as well.

Apple is basically discouraging competition, by suing instead of innovating. Google did not start this fight but they sure as well will finish it. Also remember when Steve Jobs said that there is no need for a screen larger than 3.5 inches? He is now going to eat his words when the iphone 5 comes out, and I'm willing to bet that it will still be behind the curve hardware wise. I highly doubt it will be LTE capable. Jobs is so arrogant and I'm glad that google is actually growing enough momentum to make him open his eyes and realize that he is not the game in town and he needs to improve fast ( instead of suing )
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That's non sense jimbo, android is quit a bit different from ios. I still can't figure out how to use an iphone yet because there is only one button. Also android has multiple home screens, has widgets, has an app drawer, can true multitask, has so much customization that even a jail broken iphone can dream off. A stock non rooted/rom'ed android is already more customizable from the keyboard to, launchers, messaging app, to live wall papers, fonts, scroll style and etc. A rooted phone the skys the limit esp when you include themes

Also when ios 5 comes out they will FINALLY have a drop down notification bar like what android's been having since the beginning, so the messages will not clutter up the screen, and certain version have short cuts. I wonder if google will sue apple for stealing that from them. Also not to mention google just bought out motorola mobil so they now would have a bigger patent porfolio than apple. In fact HTC is now suing apple for patent infringement as well.

Apple is basically discouraging competition, by suing instead of innovating. Google did not start this fight but they sure as well will finish it. Also remember when Steve Jobs said that there is no need for a screen larger than 3.5 inches? He is now going to eat his words when the iphone 5 comes out, and I'm willing to bet that it will still be behind the curve hardware wise. I highly doubt it will be LTE capable. Jobs is so arrogant and I'm glad that google is actually growing enough momentum to make him open his eyes and realize that he is not the game in town and he needs to improve fast ( instead of suing )

You are right, Android is different from iOS, but Samsung's version of Android was re-skinned to be amazingly similar to iOS. I think the question is why did Samsung copy the UI so closely?

Now after people started noticing these similarities, I think Samsung later adjusted the default colors to be no longer identical. But you can't deny the similarity.




That's non sense jimbo, android is quit a bit different from ios. I still can't figure out how to use an iphone yet because there is only one button. Also android has multiple home screens, has widgets, has an app drawer, can true multitask, has so much customization that even a jail broken iphone can dream off. A stock non rooted/rom'ed android is already more customizable from the keyboard to, launchers, messaging app, to live wall papers, fonts, scroll style and etc. A rooted phone the skys the limit esp when you include themes
Android isn't very different from iOS or else there would be no patent infringement cases and Apple wouldn't have won against HTC.

If you can't figure out how to use an iPhone, I am very sorry for you because even my 3 yr old cousin knows how to use an iPad (same OS as an iPhone). The learning curve for iOS has always been very short but the same can't be said for Android. By itself, Android is a good OS but when you allow manufacturers to play with the OS and create crap like the Sense UI, things become murky. Bloatware gets added onto phones, companies begin to copy iOS (Google, Samsung, & HTC) and lawsuits get filled.

I love how Android fans tout their customization as an advantage over iOS. Myspace used to allow infinite customization to their users...look where that got them. Facebook's layout was one of their biggest advantages which helped kill MySpace. Even funnier is how Google basically stole FB's layout, added a couple of new features, and started Google+. Customization should be the last criteria when discussing which OS is better IMO...Do we dare address how slow, clunky, and unintuitive Android is or how often miss-hits occur on their touch screens?
Also when ios 5 comes out they will FINALLY have a drop down notification bar like what android's been having since the beginning, so the messages will not clutter up the screen, and certain version have short cuts. I wonder if google will sue apple for stealing that from them. Also not to mention google just bought out motorola mobil so they now would have a bigger patent porfolio than apple. In fact HTC is now suing apple for patent infringement as well.
Guess what, the new notification system on iOS 5 is already better than Android's.
Apple is basically discouraging competition, by suing instead of innovating. Google did not start this fight but they sure as well will finish it. Also remember when Steve Jobs said that there is no need for a screen larger than 3.5 inches? He is now going to eat his words when the iphone 5 comes out, and I'm willing to bet that it will still be behind the curve hardware wise. I highly doubt it will be LTE capable. Jobs is so arrogant and I'm glad that google is actually growing enough momentum to make him open his eyes and realize that he is not the game in town and he needs to improve fast ( instead of suing )

Discouraging competition? No. They are protecting what they created. The iPhone 4 still has the highest resolution screen for any smartphone, takes better pictures/video than 95% of the competition, generally has more built in memory, has a longer battery life, and yet you think Apple is behind the hardware curve?

What HTC, Samsung, & Motorola all lack is an understanding of how hardware should be integrated within their mobile platforms. Having the latest hardware doesn't eqaul best product. Look at the Motorola Xoom, it had all the latest bells and whistles, was rushed to the market prior to the iPad 2 release and was met with horrid sales. The iPad 2 isn't on par with some of its specs but it still delivers the best tablet experience.

As for LTE, it's a joke. The US doesn't even have true LTE capabilities and LTE service is spotty @ best. You pay extra for a gimmick that you can't even use currently and it drains mobile batteries within hours. Apple doesn't jump on the bandwagon, there have been rumors about the iPhone 5 possibly having LTE capabilities but I would expect them to skip it this gen and wait til 2012 when the tech isn't in its infantile stages.

Since we are discussing company policies, let's take a closer look at Google:
  • Yelp gets popular? Copy their info, shove Yelp to the bottom of the page and put Google Places and reviews at the top.
  • Groupon won't sell? Spend billions from other businesses to destroy them.
  • Twitter and Facebook innovate on search? Take their content, whine when they try and stop you then spend billions to prevent their growth and hopefully destroy them.
  • Apple working on a touchscreen smartphone? Spend billions from another business and copy everything you can, down to swipes and apps.
  • Need a smartphone operating system with Java. Take Java and use it for your own ends.
  • Need a location mapping technology and Skyhook won't sell? Spend billions from your monopoly profits and strongarm your partners and drive Skyhook out of business.
  • Buy up the big travel search sites.
  • Claim you are open source but share nothing related to what your business claims to be about -- search, and nothing related to how you make your money -- advertising
  • Claim you are open and standards based but control who gets access to your smartphone operating system
  • Like all rich monopolists, they spend millions hiring high priced lobbyists and public relations teams inside the Beltway -- for their direct benefit

Oh and if you wanna talk about innovation:

App Store, iOS, iTunes, iPod, etc. etc....
I'm sorry Jack I should've been more specific about how I can't figure out how to use an iphone. What I meant was that I kept on trying to make it do stuff that it can't do. There seems to be no hardware menu button where I can change settings on the phone itself or the apps. Maybe there is a virtual one on the screen but I quickly got bored and uninterested and put the phone down.

Once you see one iphone you've seen them all. They all look the same, everything that happens with the iphone needs to go through apples approval. I don't like to be told what I can and can't do by the man esp if its my phone that I purchased. Also I would hate to be tied down to stupid Itunes, to do anything with my phone. I'm sorry but I never drank the apple coolaid so I have no iservices.

Also please explain to me how is the ios5's drop down notification system better than the android's version again? Also the smoothness of the ui is the only thing the apple fan boys have. Have you ever used a highend android phone? Have you ever used a rooted and rom'ed phone? They are just as fast if not faster than the iphone 4. Did you ever see them do benchmark test side by side? Most of the time the iphone loses. Yes a high resolution is nice, but its nothing more than a stop gap because the screen is just too small. You really can't type well with it and the screen real estate is just too small to do any serious web browsing. I wouldn't want to read comics online with such a small screen. Give me a 4.3 inch screen anyday. If the retina display was so great why is steve dropping the 3.5 inch format to go bigger?... I thought so.

Also with you saying Lte is a joke is also a joke. Have you ever used it? The freaking thing is faster than my land line connection. I average 10 megs down in a weak area. A strong area can I hit over 20 megs plus down. Verizon is regularly expanding the coverage, infact they just flipped the switch on in 15 more cities, and expanded coverage in other markets ( this is just happened after last month when they already expanded in another 15 cities ). LTE is real 4G, not hspa +, not wimax ( oh wait, the iphone don't have any of those radios lol ) Yet a lot of the uneducated iphone 4 users actually thinks their phone is a 4g phone. To call LTE a joke without ever using it is pure comedy. Maybe its a joke because the iphone don't have it? Just like how flash sucks because the iphone can't use it right? So how is the iphone not behind in the hardware front again? We have expandable sd slots, we can actually change our batteries, , have 4 choices of dual core processors, we have 1 gig of ram ( we are comparing the high end devices here ), and samsung's cameras rivals apples, but you can always improve the software by downloading it on the market to give you more options of adjustments. Most have 2 gigs of internal memory which is more than enough to run hundreds of apps and the sd card is used to just store music, movies, photos etc.

Lets just put it this way, after playing with an iphone 4 and being extremely unimpressed with it, plus I am so turned off by apple's business practices from how they over charge for their products, and claiming to be first in many innovations but they actually were not. (They basically just made it mainstream). I would rather use a flip phone than to use any iproduct.

Jack you are one of the cooler posters here but I will never see you eye to eye between our phones of choice ( unless you take my eyes out and put it on your own head, and even then I still might refuse to like apple. )
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There seems to be no hardware menu button where I can change settings on the phone itself or the apps. Maybe there is a virtual one on the screen but I quickly got bored and uninterested and put the phone down.
If you go to the settings icon, you can find many of the settings for the phone or 3rd party apps. How is that difficult to figure out?

The same can't be said for Android:

Android's user interface is not particularly intuitive....consistency's a huge problem. (I have way too many friends who've had an Android phone for months and still barely have a handle on the basics.) For example, within an app, the back button doesn't always do the same thing. Sometimes it takes you up a level within an app, sometimes it switches you to another app you were previously in, and sometimes it just quits to the homescreen. Constantly, accidentally closing out of an app while you're in the middle of doing something is maddening (and it happens all the time, even to advanced users).

Not an issue with iOS. Whenever you want to close out an app and return to home, you hit the Home Button. Pretty simple if you ask me.
Once you see one iphone you've seen them all. They all look the same, everything that happens with the iphone needs to go through apples approval. I don't like to be told what I can and can't do by the man esp if its my phone that I purchased. Also I would hate to be tied down to stupid Itunes, to do anything with my phone. I'm sorry but I never drank the apple coolaid so I have no iservices.

I don't get the 'once you've seen one iphone, you've seen them all' reference. Are you referring to the styling of the phone itself or the home screen layout? Again, the emphasis on customization shouldn't be the only thing you hang your hat upon. Customization is good to a certain degree but not everyone is a mobile OS pro, I'd rather use an OS that someone spent thousands of hours making intuitive and designing than to ruin their work with my customization's. The App Store still has more apps than Android in their market, so Apple isn't as overbearing as they might appear. If you are dead set on doing whatever you want with your phone, than jailbreaking is always an option.

Also please explain to me how is the ios5's drop down notification system better than the android's version again?
Text quoted from the link above:

Android may have done them first, but iOS 5 is about to do them better. iOS 5's notification system is almost a direct rip of Android's, but it offers more control over how notifications are displayed/removed/opened/sorted. The webOS notifications for the TouchPad offer that same kind of granular control, so Android needs to do better, too.

Also the smoothness of the ui is the only thing the apple fan boys have. Have you ever used a highend android phone? Have you ever used a rooted and rom'ed phone? They are just as fast if not faster than the iphone 4. Did you ever see them do benchmark test side by side? Most of the time the iphone loses.

Have I used a high-end Android Smartphone? Yes (EVO4G, Samsung Infuse & Droid).
Have I ever used a rooted or rom'd phone? No, but this comparison should really focus on what you get 'out of the box'/stock phones.

I have seen the benchmark tests & yes some of the Android equipped phones do beat the iPhone 4 but like I said in my earlier response, its not all about hardware/specs, its about the user experience and how the hardware is integrated into the overall package. Honestly, Android is no where near the fit and finish of Apple & iOS.

Yes a high resolution is nice, but its nothing more than a stop gap because the screen is just too small. You really can't type well with it and the screen real estate is just too small to do any serious web browsing. I wouldn't want to read comics online with such a small screen. Give me a 4.3 inch screen anyday. If the retina display was so great why is steve dropping the 3.5 inch format to go bigger?... I thought so.

LOL, this part so blasphemous I had to address it seperately. If any Android phone were to beat the resolution of the iPhone 4, Android fanboi's would be cheering to the high heavens. I've never felt like the screen was too small and I've always been able to type really quickly on my iphone's but who really wants to read comics/magazines/books on a smartphone? That's never been the purpose of a smartphone. If you want more landscape, pick up an iPad, Nook, Kindle, or whatever. I'd wager that the resolution is going to either stay the same or improve if the iPhone 5 does get a larger screen but there is a certain form factor you have to consider. Does bigger really signify better? Are we really going to see 5" or 6" screens on cell phones? Having larger screens on cell phones is to a certain degree a gimmick that many of the iPhone competitors have used to skirt their resolution issues or lack thereof. Increasing the size of the iPhone screen from 3.5" to 4" isn't Jobs or Apple's way of waiving the red flag, just another feature to add to the list.

LTE is real 4G, not hspa +, not wimax. To call LTE a joke without ever using it is pure comedy.
This is why I feel 4G is a joke & even your claim of real 4G is a joke as well. ITU standard 4G should be hitting speeds of 100mb/sec, we shouldn't be happy with 20mb/sec and allow cellular network providers to hoodwink uninformed customers.

Verizon 4G coverage map:

What they don't show you is the actual amount of area 4G covers. I'd love to see that map. Forget the lack of coverage, what about battery issues? They drain within an hour or two of 4G use, even if the next gen iPhone has 4G capabilities, I wouldn't count it as an advantage due to battery & coverage issues.

So how is the iphone not behind in the hardware front again? We have expandable sd slots, we can actually change our batteries, , have 4 choices of dual core processors, we have 1 gig of ram ( we are comparing the high end devices here ), and samsung's cameras rivals apples, but you can always improve the software by downloading it on the market to give you more options of adjustments. Most have 2 gigs of internal memory which is more than enough to run hundreds of apps and the sd card is used to just store music, movies, photos etc.

Expandabe SD slots = More $$$ spent to buy the memory cards, which would then price Android phones out of comparison. Apple has more built-in memory. I don't want to spend another $20-40 bucks to buy expandable memory if I just forked over $200 for my phone.

I'm sorry but are you comparing every feature within every Android phone to the iPhone? Pick the best Android phone and compare it to the iPhone, you can't mix and match features. It would lead the uninformed consumer to believe you could choose which processor you have within your phone, which isn't the case. As for the photo/video capture comparison, the iPhone 4 wins:

Lets just put it this way, after playing with an iphone 4 and being extremely unimpressed with it, plus I am so turned off by apple's business practices from how they over charge for their products, and claiming to be first in many innovations but they actually were not. (They basically just made it mainstream). I would rather use a flip phone than to use any iproduct.

See here's the real issue. I think many people have a bias towards Apple products due to their perceived impressions of the company or it's consumer and run towards the next closest alternative (Android in this case) even if it's not on par with Apple products.

Jack you are one of the cooler posters here but I will never see you eye to eye between our phones of choice ( unless you take my eyes out and put it on your own head, and even then I still might refuse to like apple. )
Awww schucks buddy, you're making me blush. We can agree to disagree, I just like the spirited debate aspect. Give it time, maybe you will think differently down the line.
Aright Jack I will admit to some of your points. The Iphone is more polished out of the box, but I don't look at box stock. Of course I am not your average phone enthusiast either. I look at the overall picture, and the functionality of the phone is already beyond what I need to with it.

Yes I do read comics on my phone, and it does help to have a larger screen so I can see the art and read the text easier. Maybe you never tried because your screen was too small? There is a point when it becomes too big, but to most people, 4.3 to 4.5 inches is the biggest they will go. The newer phones with the larger screen is not that much bigger than the previous gen phones. They manage to shrink down the size of the bezel around the screen.

Also yes I know the true definition of 4G is suppose to 100+megs down, but 10-20megs down is hell of a lot faster than the 3 megs down on your iphone 4 ( and 3 megs down is being really generous on a good day ). I don't think the iphone 4 will ever hit 10 megs down even though going by definition it is still 3G speeds. Things don't work like that in real life.

On my phone I like to change my boot animation, change what options are aval on my notification bar, my keyboard themes, change the way my app icons look, etc etc etc. Its not the only deciding factor for me, but I like to personalize my phone and make it do cool things such as overclocking for performance while undervolting at the same time to save battery, and as I mentioned earlier before, it is more than functional enough for me.

( This is my current boot up animation )

About the apps not having the hardware buttons do the same thing, the home button will take you out of a app ( at least in ever app that I have ). Also for the Iphone to use onscreen back button is taking up even more precious little space the screen already has.

Now regarding the camera, I can find articles where the Galaxy S camera outshoots the iphone 4 camera. Its only motorola's and htc's camera that sucks. I personally am a Samsung android fan boy. Best processors, best screens, and best camera out of all the android phones with no locked boot loader.

Here is a comparison of the galaxy S camera vs the Iphone4. Like I said, it is close and it can go both ways depending on which style you prefer.
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You guys know the baseline hardware is all pretty much the same right, if you "root"/"jailbreak" either os you can do whatever you want with the (same) underlying hardware. There is a healthy market outside of the app store. All you're really comparing is the different packaging. iOS is very tightly focused and Android is fragmented and confusing for normal consumers, it's not about who has a bigger epensis for most users, they just want something simple and functional and Apple delivered. That doesn't make them fanbois or somehow less intelligent, they just don't give a shit. Other people want a physical keyboard, they don't care and probably don't know what the os is.

I like the idea of android but google scares me more than apple or mcrosoft. I hope WinMo matures and survives I've heard good things.
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That could be said for any phone. That is the natural direction of progression in technology. Again, apple is discouraging innovation through competition. What would you want your touch screen phone to look like? A triangle maybe?
It's very hard to create new and innovative design when the technology inside these devices drives size and form factor. In all markets, whether it be mobile devices, tablets/slates, televisions...the biggest selling points are size/clarity of screens and size! Thin is in, and with form following function, there's not much room for design differentiation.

Apple just happens to introduce competitive products before other companies. If Samsung, HTC and Motorola want to be competitive, they have to use similar internal components.

Apple seems to always think they "own" innovation. I'm starting to get sick of it :mad: