Apexi Super AFC?

a chip and a fuel computer is quite different, yet the function is similar. usually a chip involves ignition and fuel tuning, and a fuel computer such as the apexi AFC tunes the fuel curve only by fooling the air sensor. A chip is none adjustable, it is tuned by the maker BEFORE it is installed on to the car. A fuel computer like the Apexi AFC is adjustable and is tuned AFTER it is installed. This means that the chip comes tuned and ready to use, but is not flexible, therefore should be done as the last modification. A fuel computer comes with no program in it, and it requires you to tune it on a dyno after you installed it on your car, the benefit is that it is flexible so you can adjust it according to the mods you have and it is more efficient becuz it applies only to your specific vehical. However, not everyone can tune a fuel computer, and you might not want to pay $100 a hour for dyno sections.

George Wang

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U might want to consider Vtec AFC. Go to their website for more info
"A common misconception of a V-TEC controller is that by changing the RPM engagement point alone will result in increased performance gains. Another misconception is that increasing fuel according to RPM will result in increased performance. In reality, when you modify the V-TEC engagement point from the factory setting, the factory ECU is still on the non V-TEC fuel map."

From the above quote I don't think super AFC will improve your car in any way.

For more info check out their website.