Apartment Hunting

9 February 2004
Orange County
Looking for an apartment can get so tedious! I live on-campus and just found out that they are not extending the lease for students who are graduating, so we have to move out before commencement. I checked out a place last night that a co-worker is renting. The rent is really cheap and I found out why: it's right next to a cemetary! :eek: She said one night she was walking back from her car and she heard bells ringing in the distance. Needless to say, I said I'd think about it, hehe. :o :p
I rented a townhouse that was next to a cemetary a few years ago. After about a month, I was ready to get the hell out of there!!! People would tell me that they came by and wonder why I would not answer the door. I'd say that I was not home or I was out of town. They would all say that the lights were on and they could hear me talking to someone. I gots out with the quickness. Just alot of wierd things happening at that Place.:eek: :eek: :confused:
PoohBEAR said:
get that apartment. not only you save a few bucks, you and i can go on a ghost hunting expedition...:cool: :p

Haha...no, thanks. I don't wanna lose any beauty sleep worrying about ghosts and goblins. :p
"The bell tolls for THEE!!!"

Sorry to hear you gotta move....Let me know if you need help..I can volunteer POOHBEAR to help ya!!!!:D

At least you wont have noisey or nosey neighbors!!!:eek:
NemesisX said:
"The bell tolls for THEE!!!"

Sorry to hear you gotta move....Let me know if you need help..I can volunteer POOHBEAR to help ya!!!!:D

At least you wont have noisey or nosey neighbors!!!:eek:

Haha...I'm staying in Irvine. I'm too spoiled by the community here to move anywhere else. :o :p BY THE WAY KEVIN check your PM. I believe you owe me a ride somewhere. Hahaha :D :cool:
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loNfastNSX said:
I rented a townhouse that was next to a cemetary a few years ago. After about a month, I was ready to get the hell out of there!!! People would tell me that they came by and wonder why I would not answer the door. I'd say that I was not home or I was out of town. They would all say that the lights were on and they could hear me talking to someone. I gots out with the quickness. Just alot of wierd things happening at that Place.:eek: :eek: :confused:

That's pretty freaky! I spoke with that girl again and asked her about the cemetary. She said it doesn't really bug people who live there and she sees people rollerblading or just strolling through it sometimes like they would at a park. I think those people are crazy. :p
loNfastNSX said:
Gotz me f@$#* up!! I be damned if im gonna walk or rollerblade through a cemetary. Not only is it a little creapy, it disrespectful as well. :( :eek:

Seriously! She said it like it was no big deal. After all the stories my grandparents have told me, I'm not going to mess with spirits. Asian ghost stories are some of the worst! :eek:
MsKadyB said:
Seriously! She said it like it was no big deal. After all the stories my grandparents have told me, I'm not going to mess with spirits. Asian ghost stories are some of the worst! :eek:

Good thing I don't believe in ghost stories; my cousins and I, when we were younger, played hide-and-seek in the cemetary, late at night.. I think I saw a movie where this turned out bad! :eek: :D
MsKadyB said:
Seriously! She said it like it was no big deal. After all the stories my grandparents have told me, I'm not going to mess with spirits. Asian ghost stories are some of the worst! :eek:

I know!! Beware of the white lady. They always come in the night when we are sleeping too. My mom always told me of the lady that will try to take away my breath while Im asleep. :eek: :eek: :eek:
loNfastNSX said:
I know!! Beware of the white lady. They always come in the night when we are sleeping too. My mom always told me of the lady that will try to take away my breath while Im asleep. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Yeah! In Philippines it's called the Aswang. I took Philippine history last quarter and there is so much information behind that legend. Are you Filipino? :)
Back on topic, I found a couple places in Irvine that are pretty nice. One is a town house that is in a central location. It's a bit more expensive, but I suppose to live in Irvine it's worth it. :p :)
spartan2-3 said:
Isnt that the woman who is cut in half and flies around the little towns?

Yeah. She is supposedly a beautiful woman who lures people in by her beauty. At night she changes form (they are called shape-shifters) and flies through the night looking for pregnant women. She detaches at the torso and has no face. She has a long tongue which she uses to suck the unborn child. :eek:
SilverOne said:
I didn't realize there are apartments near by a cemetery in Irvine.., where is this?

It wasn't in Irvine. She told me it was in the Tustin area, so I went to check it out with my friend. We got directions and turns out it was in Santa Ana! I went anyway cause I told her I would check it out. I will have to decline her offer, though.
MsKadyB said:
It wasn't in Irvine. She told me it was in the Tustin area, so I went to check it out with my friend. We got directions and turns out it was in Santa Ana! I went anyway cause I told her I would check it out. I will have to decline her offer, though.

I was looking for roomate a short while back in Irvine. It was a B**** finding someone that's not weird :) Maybe in a few more months, when my current contract with the roomate is up, I can offer you a room here.
SilverOne said:
I was looking for roomate a short while back in Irvine. It was a B**** finding someone that's not weird :) Maybe in a few more months, when my current contract with the roomate is up, I can offer you a room here.

Hmm..really? When do you think that will be? I need to find a place for now since I live on campus and will need to be out by graduation, but I was hoping to find a more permanent residence later.