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Anyone with RM n20 kit that wants or needs a system refresh-or harness, switch R&R

13 March 2002
Clearwater FL
Anyone with RM n20 kit that wants or needs a system refresh-or harness, switch R&R

I am wanting to Gauge interest in building, supplying a RM original n20 kit system refresh such as rebuild and clean solenoids and only clean if desired,fress n20 filter at inlet,fresh wire harness brand spankin new with added wiring for purge and other standard and non standard wiring that has not been spliced in a dozen locals like ive seen before on some of these.
I am thinking of offering this:
1. new wire harness with extra wires for adding additional devices or just what you had from RM. replace your switches in the ashtray with new 10,000 make break connections,new relay and the addition of the extra wire and micro switch WOT switch added in so you have both the safety of a WOT switch that did not come with the RM kit and convienence of the button activation,basically taking you nasty old harness build you a new one add a WOT and replace your aging relay and add wire for a purge.replace your old switches. rebuild solenoids or replace on request.
if you have a different system and feel its time to have it gone through and the wire setup altered to heavier gauge or replaced with a safer design then base kit offered you,swap out switches and basic system integrity checkup,add a feature so on.
All without having to remove or send off the entire kit just the wire harness and relay.upgrade solenoids if desired but not part of the basic harness rebuild,and of course system refresh of bottle heater switch setup,and heater wire harness when desired
let me know if you feel you could use this service. I will give it the TLC it deserves.so let me know if this is a service that is wanted.I really do not know how many RM kits are out their but I know I can guess with a fair amount of certainty that some if not many are ready for a refresh.this addresses the stuff that does go bad with age,lack of maintenence and will breath new life into that old setup as well as safety,I can test your WOT,FPSS,WINDOW AND SOLENOIDS FOR INTEGRITY at a fraction of buying a new system.let me know what you think.if the demand is their I will start building wire harnesses and aquire a number of WOT switches,new FPSS,WINDOWS you get the picure.
I want the base service to be replace harness build NEW,ADD the WOT to your RM kit and replace your relay and ashtray switches. add a purge also if desired
Best Regards David
Re: Anyone with RM n20 kit that wants or needs a system refresh-or harness, switch R&R

Hi David,

We had PM before, I want a complete kit from you. Any chance of doing that???

James Lee
Re: Anyone with RM n20 kit that wants or needs a system refresh-or harness, switch R&R

yes, please pm me later today to discuss it, say around 5 pm