Anyone want a Kenwood touchscreen TV?

28 March 2002
Oxnard, CA , USA
Hello everyone, i know i haven't replied to request on JDM parts. I've been very busy flying on different Deployments. Just got back from Balikatan. But i did find Kenwood TV's priced much cheaper than in the states over here at our local PX store on base. the models available are KVT-911DVD which has built in DVD and TV tuner, and KVT-M700 which is a Monitor only, no CD or DVD but does include TV tuner and Radio Tuner. the DVD model retails around $2800 in the states and the other one retails for around $1600. they're both about $1k cheaper here in our PX. they also have tv monitors but i have to check up on prices for those. here's more info on those models that are available

if you would like to get one get back at me at [email protected] ,[email protected] or you can call me at 011-81-611-736-5092 or i can call you if you email me your number.

this is not a scam, nor am i trying to make a profit out of this. i'm just spreading some good info to anyone interested who is out in the market to purchase an in-dash TV. hopefully when i get back to the states , there will be other people like me that will help and guide me to purchase an NSX.
if there's anyone out there that would like to get more than one and sell them for a profit , i don't have a problem with that either. let me know how many you need, and i'll see how many the exchange can supply .

NSXREBEL in Okinawa, Japan
VMGR-152 MAG-36 1stMAW
check for DVD player compatibility (region subcode compliance, etc). the "good deal" might not read US-format DVDs

Also get a manual in "ingrish"
the appliances and electronics sold at the px are for service members therefore they are in compliance with US specs so they are compatible with dvd's in the states. in fact the cordless phones they have at the px are made to US specs, and are not authorized for use in Japan. go figure. i don't know why they sell them in the first place. something about the frequency on the phones.