Anyone use Netflix?


Legendary Member
23 April 2003
I am getting a little irate with my local video rental establishment, and am thinking about switching to Netflix. I don't really know anyone who has used it personally. Has anyone here - what did you think?
White94 said:
I am getting a little irate with my local video rental establishment, and am thinking about switching to Netflix. I don't really know anyone who has used it personally. Has anyone here - what did you think?

I have been using NetFlix for about 4 years, and I can say that I would sooner give up my cell phone service than my Netflix service, it is the only service I have used in recent memory that I am actually happy with.

Highly highly highly recommend.

I know you didn't ask specifically, but there are also similar services for games ( and adult DVDs (, not sure if either are your bag, but worth noting all the same :D
My friend does...

My friend uses Netflix, and absolutely loves it. The only recommendation is to keep a fairly long list of movies in your queue -- if you only have a couple of titles, it might take a while for them to become available. But if you're interested in seeing a wide variety and number of films, it can't be beat.

I'd subscribe myself, but I have two small children and rarely get two free hours in a week to watch a movie.
Thanks guys.

My blockbuster is up to like $5 a rental, not to mention it is a a PITA to get to. Netflix seems like a good idea, save the fact that I came up with THIS STUDY . I can see the business rationale - but am curious how severe any turnaround or availabilty problems are. Apparently this is not a major issue for people who are not camped out by the mailbox.

I think I'll give it a try and see how it works out.
Yes, I have been using it for about 1-1/2 years now. Turn around time has never been a problem for me, nor has availability. I highly reccomend their service.
I've used it for 3 years now. Don't worry about turnaround. 1 day both ways, if I send it back on Monday I'll get my next DVD on Wed. Sometimes it takes longer when I order foreign films, because they are not fully stocked at all shipping locations. It might have to come cross country. Try the free trial offer, see if you like it.
Netflix rocks!
Wish I had purchased the stock.
My closest DC is in Houston, so my turn around time is longer than most.
I think Walmart is joining in on this type of service (I hear).
Re: Re: Anyone use Netflix?

Jonathan said:
I know you didn't ask specifically, but there are also similar services for games ( and adult DVDs (, not sure if either are your bag, but worth noting all the same :D

Do you know of a service like ( for pc games? I pay 50 bucks for a game and finish it in one day. Kind of sucks. Games should be longer or harder, but not impossible like spear chucker.
I've used netflix for a long time and I've always been real happy. Turn around time for me is more like 2 days each way. It probably depends on where you live. Even with the turn around time, I still highly recommend it.
Contemplating on signing up myself.

The ad says you can rent as many DVD's as you wish. Don't know if this is just an introductory thing just to get you to sign up.
But I've talked with people and they said no more than 10 movies per month?

What's the truth?
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Re: Re: Re: Anyone use Netflix?

steveny said:
Do you know of a service like ( for pc games? I pay 50 bucks for a game and finish it in one day. Kind of sucks. Games should be longer or harder, but not impossible like spear chucker.

It took me 3 months to beat Myst!!! lol :) I loved that game back in the day, but only got to play it once a week or so.

Anyways, we have NetFlix and the only complaint i have is I got the "24" series 1 set and some of them were scratched. NetFlix sent us new discs and gave us one month free! Great customer service IMO!!! Great service all around!
Joel said:
The ad says you can rent as many DVD's as you wish. Don't know if this is just an introductory thing just to get you to sign up.
But I've talked with people and they said no more than 10 movies per month?

From what I understand, under the standard plan you can rent as many as you want, but only three at a time. Thus, there is a physical limitation (in terms of sending the discs back and forth) that will limit your ability to watch a huge number of movies. But according to Netflix's site:

Rent All You Want
With Netflix you can rent as many DVDs as you want for just $20 a month. You keep a revolving library of up to 3 DVDs at a time and can exchange them for new available DVDs as often as you like. The number of DVDs you rent depends on how quickly you watch and return each of your DVDs.

So there does not appear to be any imposed 10 disc/month limit.
Just started this year. Excellent service. Selection is great. Even some of the lesser known foriegn films. And you can place new movies on your list even before they go to disk, and as soon as they 'hit' they ship them. It's great! We live close to one of thier distribution centers and the turnaround is quite fast (there is a list somewhere on thier site, I believe).