Anyone use Evans NPG+?

12 May 2003
Austin, TX
I'm curious if anyone uses or wants Evans NPG+ coolant in the Austin area. My company is considering becoming a dealer for the stuff and wonder if there's any interest here. We use it for our aircraft engines (Rotax), but it's also advertised for racing/high performance cooling applications. I'd like to know what people think. I hadn't considered it before for my NSX, but I'm not a racer either. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
Doesn't look like there's a lot of NSX crowd interest. I may try NPG+ in my own car and motorcycle. Anyway, we are now a dealer, so if you know any other car enthusiasts looking for Evan's coolants, please send them my way.
You'd think some of the NSX folks might be willing to take a look at it considering the cars' propensities to get a little toasty at the track (from what I have read). I suppose the hard-core track crowd probably just swing for a massive radiator + ducting and call it a day.

I'd be interested. It doesn't look like anyone in my area sells the stuff.