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Anyone up for a cookout at my place?

6 April 2002
Wrightsville, Pa
I am thinking about hosting a cookout at my house in the next few weeks. I just got the pool opened and will provide hamburgers and hotdogs. All you have to bring is yourself and car. Wives are also encouraged to come also. If you want to throw out some dates we can get something worked out and make it happen.

Hey Rob!

You know I'm down.
Wives or just the fellas?

Nate in DC
We really need a Mid-Atlantic section. MD, VA, NC, WV and DC are about as much a part of the SE United States as Nebraska.
donwon said:
Aww, wheres the love? :smile: Hugh, bring the party favors if you come :redface:

You never know! If it happens during one of my occasional drives to NYC, I will definitely stop by.
Hugh said:
We really need a Mid-Atlantic section. MD, VA, NC, WV and DC are about as much a part of the SE United States as Nebraska.

Yea I was surprised not to see a mid-atlantic forum.
hey Rob, .little jimmy stewart is down
spdr8cr out.
Here are the two dates that make the most sense about the 4th of July holiday: June 25th or July 9th. I am open to either day. Please post what is best for you and as a group we can decide when it will be.

It looks like July 9th is the date. I will get a keg and hotdogs and hamburgers. Everyone is welcome to bring your wife or girlfriend. Don't forget to bring the suits for the pool and hot tub. We can get started around 12 and go as late as everyone wants. Please give me a headcount so I can prepare with the food and beverages.

1. Rob and Penny (nsxlover)
1. Rob and Penny (nsxlover)
2. Chris and Liz (ibdursty)
3. Nate and Sharon (nbovelle)

Hey Rob, can I bring my wife AND my girlfriend!?! :biggrin:

Nate in DC
July 9th sounds good.

1. Rob and Penny (nsxlover)
2. Chris and Liz (ibdursty)
3. Nate and Sharon (nbovelle)
4. Josh, most likely by himself (Nihilation)
nbovelle said:
1. Rob and Penny (nsxlover)
2. Chris and Liz (ibdursty)
3. Nate and Sharon (nbovelle)

Hey Rob, can I bring my wife AND my girlfriend!?! :biggrin:

Nate in DC

How about Sharon's sister?:biggrin:
1. Rob and Penny (nsxlover)
2. Chris and Liz (ibdursty)
3. Nate and Sharon (nbovelle)
4. Josh, most likely by himself (Nihilation)
5. James and Kosoma (spdr8cr)
1. Rob and Penny (nsxlover)
2. Chris and Liz (ibdursty)
3. Nate and Sharon (nbovelle)
4. Josh, most likely by himself (Nihilation)
5. James and Kosoma (spdr8cr)
6. Sue (wife), Allie (10 months) and Michael (GOTTSPD) (tenative)
Just out of curiousity, what's the age group here? I just don't want to feel out of place within an older age group. No offense intended!