Anyone remember the game Subspace?

24 January 2002
Vancouver, Canada
Anyone remember the game Subspace?

you can get the newest client free at

For those who doens't know what it is, It's kinda like Asteroids, except with better graphic and muiltplayer, I personally think it is still one of the best game around. First. while some point and click online PRG game charge you for $20 a month, this game is still free. Secondly, you play against another human all the time. Every other ship is controled by another person somewhere on the planet. not some computer controled monster over and over. Thridly, I believe it is the most massive Muilt player games. I don't see anything else (that are free) can possiblity support 50+ people on the same screen! forth, it is not system demanding. a Pentium 200 can handle it fine. A dial up can play it resonable enough (of coruse Boardband is a plus)

It also have many new features coming out every so often (ie the recent Continuum 0.36 is completely redone, soon 0.37 within a few months) , sure beats many MMORPG game online that been the same for years and years. Plus it have one of the best build in chat included. and decent channel/squad/player record manages. And there are like 10 different league running on different zones (the zone I play in is Death Star Battle, at , one of the most newbie friendly zone in my opinion, ((My squad is here at )))

Anyway, I'm sure most of you have checked this game out before, and might have forgot about it one reason or the other. But regurdless as far as free game goes it is still one of the best. So I feel the need to bring it up again. I means, come on, it is free, it is worth a try, or even a second try with the new improved client. I personally own a 50 systems Lan Gaming center and I still find myself coming back to this little game...Here for how my cafe looks like
Of course I remember it. It came out during a time when I was too busy to play multi-player games, but I still managed to sneak an hour or two in every now and then.

But I also thought that Subspace shut down...I just assumed it stayed down.

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