Anyone rebuy their NSX?

31 October 2003
In the left lane, naturally
Hi all:

I was just curious if anyone here had an NSX, sold it, then tracked it down at a later date and bought it back. The 95 NSX I sold last year was listed on Ebay about 8 months after I sold it, and I entertained the idea of buying it back, since I know the car and what the new owner paid ( :tongue: ), but I didn't pull the trigger. Now I'm left wondering if maybe I could still track it down......
ISONSX tried to rebuy his former and my current NSX. Unfortunately, the current owner was a hard a$$ and wouldn't sell it back! I love the car and it's staying in the family for the long haul!
I dont remember who it was but the answer is Yes one member here did sell his nsx and later buy it back. There was also a story where a member had a photo of a nsx from a meet and this was before he had a nsx but later when he did find the nsx he wanted it turned out to be the nsx in the photo that he admired so much.
I sold my 98 red/blk NSX to an Acura dealership. About a year later, I found the same car on and bought it back from the private party who purchased the car from the dealership.

During the time between my ownership, the car had some paintwork done. :eek: I'm pretty certain it was just to fix a chip on the driver's side door since it was just the lower part of the door that was painted. Still, I should have been more careful in my inspection instead of assuming I knew the history of the car.
My problem is this - I want to keep the 911 I bought to replace the NSX, and rebuy my old NSX. Actually, I wish I would have kept all my old cars - I suffer from serious seller's remorse! :tongue:

Reality - no way I can finagle another impractical car into the household. I guess it never hurts to daydream, huh?
I'm sure I could find the VIN # if I did some digging - it was originally from Louisiana, and I was the 3rd owner, 2nd in Texas. I sold it to a McDonald's franchisee in Indianapolis. I think I still have pics in the gallery under Leftlane.