Anyone other than me in Irenes direct path?

19 November 2009
Long Island, NY
I am writing this to wish everyone well this weekend. Today i moved my NSX/Truck to an underground parking garage in central LI north of jericho turnpike and south of the LIE. After work I have to move my boat from point lookout/Lido beach to freeport where it will be getting hauled and rack stored inside.

I live in Oceanside and hope anyone else living on/around the waters in the path of Irene luck and most of all safety.
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Hope you've evaluated the potential for flooding at that location. An underground parking garage sounds like a high risk.
Hope you've evaluated the potential for flooding at that location. An underground parking garage sounds like a high risk.

the underground parking is at a very high elevation above sea level and has a lower level which would take any flooding waters. its a 3 level parking garage and i put it in the middle one. Safest place i can find. and its at my work so i know its secure.
This makes my move to Colorado last year more gratifying, considering I lived on the water in LI. :eek: Good luck to my LI friends out there- try to stay dry!
Latest tracking puts the eye 6 miles east of me at 5 PM Sunday.

EDIT: now they are saying will hit at 4am sunday with brunt between 8am-3pm. 7 inches of rain and 50-70mph winds.

But that is an improvement over the first warning of 10 inches and 75-80 mph winds.
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Temporary reprieve - looks like I got another 25 miles or so distance from the eye as storm is tracking more east:

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Hope it keeps going east. Being on the west side will reduce the wind by about 30-40mph from the east side of the storm
I spend a lot of time in OC, Md. They are supposed to get hit hard. How'd you like to be riding it out offshore in one of those Navy ships? :eek: I checked the offshore forecast and they were calling for 40'+ swells.

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you L.I. ers batten down the hatches! Be safe have some extra provisions at hand.
I'm 2 blocks from the water off merrick rd and had no other safe place to put my NSX or my boat..... just wishing for the best from that bitch Irene.
I have been helping a friend all week pull big expensive boats out of the water. Yesterday we went to the city to pick up a $6mill boat to pull out. I must have seen 300+ boats heading up the Hudson. I'm in the huracanes path but more inland I don't see it being more then a lot of rain and high winds around my parts. Hopping for no hail I have a ton of expensive cars sitting on my car lot right now I'm concerned about. That's what insurance is for right.:rolleyes:
I have an apt on the water in Long Branch, about 100 yards from the ocean so I went yesterday and moved everything away from the windows. Im on the 2nd floor and Im not too worried.

In East Brunswick, I hoping for the best but expect the worst. I live on a street that is prone to flooding. I have french drains and a sump pump but what can you do. It is what it is. :frown:

The worst party was, I had to cancel my engagement party that was scheduled for tomm. afternoon. I had 85 people coming to a bar/resturant by my house and people flying in too. I had to call the florist, cancel the cake and now its going to be Oct 2.

Sucks, lucky we eat there alot and they said no problem.

This had been a shitty month. :mad:
I'm gonna be in Dover, NH tonight, gonna buy a lot of brew, and food, and watch some UFC

sad this storm has claimed some lives. Hopefully it's not crazy bad here
On LI it will take a toll due to the storm surge on top of a new moon high tide..I remember vividly hurricane Belle in 76,the eye went right over us in Huntington it was so surreal to hear the freight train stop,dead calm then the howling started from the opposite direction and all over again with the driving rain.
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I have an apt on the water in Long Branch, about 100 yards from the ocean so I went yesterday and moved everything away from the windows. Im on the 2nd floor and Im not too worried.

In East Brunswick, I hoping for the best but expect the worst. I live on a street that is prone to flooding. I have french drains and a sump pump but what can you do. It is what it is. :frown:

The worst party was, I had to cancel my engagement party that was scheduled for tomm. afternoon. I had 85 people coming to a bar/resturant by my house and people flying in too. I had to call the florist, cancel the cake and now its going to be Oct 2.

Sucks, lucky we eat there alot and they said no problem.

This had been a shitty month. :mad:
I guess my invitation got lost in the mail!!! No problem, I couldn't make it anyway, there's a hurricane up here. Good luck with everything!:wink:
about another hour and the first steady bands will be in NE Pa,at 9:30 pm we have some 20 mph winds and light rain...good luck folks,just waiting for the power to go out.
Everyone in the path needs to take this seriously. If the storm is passing to the east of you within 25 miles you are in the worst area. I've gone through 5 hurricaines in the past 15 years with Wilma being a direct hit. We are much more prepared in Florida with the construction of our homes, but the falling trees and flooding is what causes the most damage. This storm isn't going to be just some rain and wind as you may think. Also, storing a boat in a stack and rack you may as well kiss it goodbuy. Those buildings usually collapse of not built out of concrete.

Good luck and be safe and smart.