Anyone lose an NSX? Check this out

You have to love the dreams that high school kids have. They find something and think that it belongs to no one and they automatically think they can claim ownership.

Someone needs to get the VIN and see if it's reported stolen.
I don't see what's so hard about this.

They run the VIN - find the owner, contact the owner. If the owner is not at the residence - who is, or neighbors, or family.

Besides, if it' abandoned on city property, then the city would be the rightful owner after X amount of time has passed, in which case - the vehicle would go to auction and proceeds go to the city.
In this day & age the city "ain't givin' nothin' away"

Perhaps an auction is in this "to be" future NSX owner's own future.

Somehow I see an "AS-IS" auction, if the true owner cannot be found.

City auction: 40 bicycles, 6 lawnmowers and 1 NSX. (not free)

However, I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

if he really wants us to help shouldnt he NOT have blurred the tag? it might be stolen and he doesnt want us to know where it is? plus the hit to the fender might mean drunk owner hits something reports it stolen,, or was stolen and after the kids hit something the parked it
Did some snooping its parked across the street from
Bay Ice Company 1413 30th Ave
phone number is (228)863-0981 or (228)863-5546

I called Bay Ice to have someone walk across the street to get me the License plate number but the lady told me she was just the answering service to call back on Monday, so I will,,, get to the bottom of this LOL
If I had the Plate I could run it and call the owner right now but the dummy blurred the plate Deliberately,,
City property, city owned.
Times are too tough on municipalities to let anything go for free.
Did some snooping its parked across the street from
Bay Ice Company 1413 30th Ave
phone number is (228)863-0981 or (228)863-5546

I called Bay Ice to have someone walk across the street to get me the License plate number but the lady told me she was just the answering service to call back on Monday, so I will,,, get to the bottom of this LOL
If I had the Plate I could run it and call the owner right now but the dummy blurred the plate Deliberately,,

You're the man! Let us know!
You have to love the dreams that high school kids have. They find something and think that it belongs to no one and they automatically think they can claim ownership.

+1 :biggrin:
You have to love the inexperience on that site. Comments such as "lucky" and "Wow, congratulations. A little elbow grease and it will be perfect!".

I don't recall being so out of touch with reality when I was in high school; maybe I was, but its been long enough that I don't remember. :biggrin:
You have to love the dreams that high school kids have. They find something and think that it belongs to no one and they automatically think they can claim ownership.

Someone needs to get the VIN and see if it's reported stolen.

I seriously LOL'd when I read that. I love the enthusiasm though on that site... all the kids are holding hands together hoping the OP gets a free nsx.

You have to love the inexperience on that site. Comments such as "lucky" and "Wow, congratulations. A little elbow grease and it will be perfect!".

I don't recall being so out of touch with reality when I was in high school; maybe I was, but its been long enough that I don't remember. :biggrin:

haha. +1
The trucker who works at the dock across the street from where he parked his nsx is gonna be pissed when he gets back from another week long haul to find a bunch of kids taken pics of his car and claiming ownership of it.
In fact thatd be a pretty funny beatdown to watch.

I see it all the time a truck shops. They longhaulers drive there personal vehicles to the dock, leave em there until they get back in state and drive em home. The car has current tags but is dirty. Its sitting on a gravel lot beside a freaking truck shop for days at a time, of course its gonna get dirty.

Also an early nsx is more than affordable for a long hauler.
so has this nsx been claimed?
You guys seriously think the owner just leave it there just for someone to claim it? lets wake up!

YES. Because my friend's father's nehpew's uncle knows someone who's grandfather did that with a Model T Ford a very long time ago. Shesh, why you being such a hater!! :biggrin: