Anyone know anything about this NSX? JH4NA21311T000062

30 April 2002
Communist State of California
Anyone know anything about this NSX?

Do you know anything about the car or the dealer? Are you close enough to check the car out? I'll be up front with you and tell you I'm not real serious about this car, but could be if it turns out to be perfect and the price is right. White is my first color of choice too. :) Man, my wife is going to kill me. :(
Re: Anyone know anything about this NSX?

This dealer is associated with Greenwich (CT) Acura, one of the top selling dealers of NSXs in the country.

This car has been for sale for a long time.

You realize that it's a coupe and not an NSX-T, right?
Hi Ken -

Yep, very aware it's a coupe. I don't want a "T". I called the dealer today and he told me the original owner is some what of a car freak. He (the original owner of the NSX) likes to buy cars/motorcycles/trucks and put a thousand miles on them, then trade them in on something else. The dealer told me he had on his lot several vehicles from the guy including a motorcycle.

He also told me the NSX was purchased from Greenwich Acura and would not have a problem with me taking the car to them for an inspection. His asking price on the lot is $62,900.

My wife reminded me that we would be moving soon and need the $$ for the house. :mad:
Maybe it's just the camera / angle / lighting, but it appears to have misaligned panels front and rear. Definitely inspect before buying.
Did an Autocheck. The car was delivered in April 01. It has been circulating from dealer to dealer since July 01 and has never been registered as a private vehicle after July 01. IMO this is a repo. Everything looks good. It was also in Auto Week 4 to 5 months ago. Be careful with East Coast vehicle, snow, salt and corrosion. All the aluminum A-arems nuts and bolts....etc. If the corrosive is still active, it needs to be removed ASAP. If you are thinking about resell value, NONE. That's why the car has been around for almost two years with no bite. This would be a good buy for your own pleasure. Would you buy a pair of shoes without trying it on ? You are talking about $60K, full inspection is a must.
Taj said:
Did an Autocheck. The car was delivered in April 01. It has been circulating from dealer to dealer since July 01 and has never been registered as a private vehicle after July 01. IMO this is a repo.

That's a guess; (a) you may be wrong, and (b) even if you're right, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the car.

Taj said:
Be careful with East Coast vehicle, snow, salt and corrosion.

That's ridiculous - and sounds like a typical stereotype by a California owner who has never spoken with owners elsewhere. Most NSXs in northern climates - probably 90 percent or more - are not driven in the winter, and most of the rest are not driven when the roads are full of snow and salt.

Taj said:
If you are thinking about resell value, NONE.

Again, totally baseless and ridiculous.

Taj said:
That's why the car has been around for almost two years with no bite.

You don't think it might have something to do with the fact that it was for sale at a dealer who is... ahem... not known for the lowest NSX prices around...?

Taj said:
You are talking about $60K, full inspection is a must.

I doubt that they are willing to sell this car for that low a price. Which is why it has been for sale for so long.

Taj said:
full inspection is a must.

That's true - for any NSX.
I did both Autocheck and Carfax. Here's my response to nsxtasy:

Repo is a guess and I never mention if there is anything wrong with the car. Autocheck stated that the car was on the road for less than 3 months with 1,100 miles on the odometer reading and back to the dealer inventory (fact).

Corrosion is a guess too. Odometer reading in Carfax shows 2,605 on December 23, 2002. It has been driven over two hunderd miles since Dec 02 (fact). This is not a privately owned vehicle, it has been sitting around from dealer to dealer (fact). Did it receive the care of you and I ? In the eyes of a dealer, this is only a piece of metal out of many other sitting in thier lot. They are only watching out for their profit. If there is a coustomer in to the lot in the middle of winter, they are not going to say no to a test drive. They do sell car all year round, don't they.

Resell value is NONE. If the dealers have a hard time selling it for almost two years, how do you expect to resell your car by yourself with a reasonable market value when your full time job is something other than car sales. Have you heard of supply and demand ? The demand is ZERO for the past two years for what the dealers have been asking for (fact). If it is such a steal, we wouldn't be having this discussion, someone should be having a good time nsxing out there. If the car is actually owned by the used car lot, they certainly want their investment returns as quickly as possible. The car is taking up their valuable lot space and their resources. Most likely the dealer was in it for too high and in the wrong time (winter).

My advice to Litesokneecough is do your homework and find all the facts. The facts is that this is a East Coast vehicle, been driven for over 200 miles since Dec 02 and the car has been circulating around from dealer to dealer for almost two years since July 01. Make your decision base on facts and not stories told by someone else.
To everyone -

Thanks for your comments and concerns. If I had the $$, I'd be on a plane now to take the car for a bumper to bumper inspection; however, I don't have the $$ and will hopefully be moving to Sacramento soon (read: moving money).

This would be the perfect NSX for me though. Maybe it will still be up for sale in a couple of years :D for a lot less $$ ;) .
Taj said:
The demand is ZERO for the past two years for what the dealers have been asking for (fact). If it is such a steal, we wouldn't be having this discussion, someone should be having a good time nsxing out there.

Agreed. This car has not sold for a very simple reason - they are asking too much money. This car is still listed on Greenwich Acura's website for $78,995. That price is absurd. And there's no reason to think that the reserve price on the current eBay auction is any less absurd.

It has nothing to do with the condition of the car. It has nothing to do with whether it's a repo. It has nothing to do with whether it's been out in the snow, which is highly doubtful (as anyone who has ever lived in the north knows well - no one takes test drives when there's snow on the roads). It has nothing to do with zero resale value; this car has an established resale value, just like any other car on the market.

There's a simple fact here: If your asking price is $15-20K more than a car is worth, it's not going to sell, no matter how long you keep it on the market. It's as simple as that.
Nsxtasy is right on target and another problem is the used car market is in the ''Out House''. I was at a Derby party Saturday night and a friend of mine that's in the auto salvage and used car business told me that he is selling most of his cars at auction for up to a 4 thousand dollar loss at the end of last year, taking the write off then buying them back. He informed me of a silver 4000mi NSX 91 or 92 he wasn't sure but is on a dealer lot in Lexington Ky. Asking 28,500 I am on it tomorrow if anyone is interested mail me. I will have the scoop tomorrow. Who knows may be a sleeper.