Anyone know about Medical Supply Stores?

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
I am thinking opening a medical supply store would great way to make a good living. I knew of a guy who did it in Monroe that was VERY successful. So far, from what I can see, customer service in Savannah is terrible. I think a good store with excellent service would be very successful here.

Anyone do this or know anyone that could help me get started?

My friend does that for a living and he makes pretty good money. I believe the company he works for is called Donjoy products. Not exactly sure, but he likes what he does.
Do a search on google. There are so many mom & pop web stores that you need to do your research.

For example, I order most of my supplies from an online store at prices that I cannot believe that they are staying in business. Every month someone comes into my office with a catalog and card for thier new supply business. I ask them if they beat advertised prices and they say yes. When I show them the online stores that I buy from, they then tell me that can't even meet those prices.

I don't know much about the business, but with savy consumers like myself, it's a hard sell. I even order disposable supplies from vet supply companies. For example, sterilization supplies from dental suppliers cost more then vet supply companies for the same product.

If you have any other questions feel free to pm me.