Anyone know a 1993 GPW: JH4NA115XPT000307 ??

3 December 2010
Hi all I am looking to snag this car but wanted more info on it. Nothing came up in the search. Any chance I can get service info, or a carfax?

we have a list of totaled nsx vins,but if you spend some time on this site you may find more snipets of info on your car of interrest.Seems what most folks do is to post in the regional forum where the car is located to see if anyone has some scoop.
What is he asking for it? Just curious to see if the deal is right? I have one - not trying to snake you. I always like to hear prices. Ok if you'd rather not say.

Looks like a good one to me though. Good luck!
What is he asking for it? Just curious to see if the deal is right? I have one - not trying to snake you. I always like to hear prices. Ok if you'd rather not say.

Looks like a good one to me though. Good luck!

The ad says 28.5k
Here is info from the "Super Secret NSX Database" (thanks to our friend HondaAcuraPlanet):

Sold new out of Sierra Acura of Alhambra CA on 12/11/1993. Mileage at purchase: 38

Two owners shown in Acura's system. Engine number C30A13300307. No open bulletins or recalls.
