Anyone in State College area?

5 November 2002
I'll be in this year (for the first time) to watch my Buckeye's beat up on the kitty cats in State College.

Just wondering if anyone is local.
I must be an idiot but who are the kitty cats? I find it hard to believe 'The' Ohio State is playing the Quinnipac Bob Cats...

I would have guessed UCONN, but Huskies are dogs and we are plaing OSU at OSU. If it is football I can see the statium from my office. I'll call my OSU buddy up from Philly (and bring the NSX).

football at state college is insane...for every game, let alone for a big one as pennstate vs ohio state...

i was there for the past season's opener and there were at least 250,000 people in and around the stadium...

you'll have a great time! just be ready for a lot of loud and obnoxious drunk kids everywhere...
Wow. State College in the name of a college. I'm bowing out of this thread before I embarass myself futher.

Have a great time at the game.