Anyone in Dallas to look at an NSX?

28 March 2006
I was wondering if there were any prime members in Dallas who would be willing to take a look at a car. I'm going to get a PPI done, but would like an experienced set of eyes to look the car over. Thanks!
May want to post this in the Texas section. I am sure there is somebody who can help. I will be working alot of hours the next several days or I would offer to help.
Thanks for the replies guys. I think I've found my NSX. Going to pick it up tommorrow!
Hey...I'm a new NSX owner as well...just joined and purchased a Blk/Blk 2005 NSX in Dallas two days ago..where did you get yours? Thanks.

Hey! You bought the car I almost bought. That's the one with around 16K right? I was about to buy it, but they wouldn't come down enough to make it worth shipping the car from Dallas. After shipping costs, it was almost a wash between that one and the one I did buy in Sacramento, so went with the closer car.