Anyone in BOSTON, MA. that could help me out?


12 July 2005
As you all or most know..I am in the current market for an NSX.

Well, I found the one that I think Im gonna buy....

The guy sounds VERY honest, and wants to come look at the car before I buy it. However, Airfare from Ca. to Ma. is 1300.00 :frown: which I could use that money else where.

Anyone in this area that would help me out and go look at the car, and look for anything that any reputable buyer would look for?

I would of course re-emburse you in anyway I can..

Thank you for your time..

-Eric ....::::crosses fingers:::... :redface:
NSXxDreamer said:
As you all or most know..I am in the current market for an NSX.

Well, I found the one that I think Im gonna buy....

The guy sounds VERY honest, and wants to come look at the car before I buy it. However, Airfare from Ca. to Ma. is 1300.00 :frown: which I could use that money else where.

Anyone in this area that would help me out and go look at the car, and look for anything that any reputable buyer would look for?

I would of course re-emburse you in anyway I can..

Thank you for your time..

-Eric ....::::crosses fingers:::... :redface:

We have a wonderful, knowledgeable member by the name if Yong Kim, who goes under the screen name of Tiger NSX, he's been incredibly helpfull to a number of members, if you PM him, he might be able to help. You also have Mechanics Direct up there who are very much involved in our community, HTH-R :biggrin: