Anyone here even been to Hedonism II???

11 May 2002
Mishawaka, In
Ok so I'm about done asking travel questions :p

Has anyone here even been to Hedonism II in Negril Jamaica? (or should I say have you been there and are willing to admit it?)

Is it as crazy as people say? Just asking becuase I'm heading out to check it out next week. It sounds like a huge crazy party. Any insight from those who may have been there is appriciated.
AaronR said:
Ok so I'm about done asking travel questions :p

Has anyone here even been to Hedonism II in Negril Jamaica? (or should I say have you been there and are willing to admit it?)

Is it as crazy as people say? Just asking becuase I'm heading out to check it out next week. It sounds like a huge crazy party. Any insight from those who may have been there is appriciated.

I have nothing but GREAT things about these trips!!
I wouldn't be hesitent to go nor would I hold back info :)

I would like to make a request to reschedule the NSXPO 2003
at this place (whadoyasay people!!???)

Well shoot. I've been wanting to go for quite some time now. =) I'd like more details from someone who's actually been too!
when I get back, I'll tell you what I thought. Probably won't post any pics though since they should be unsuitable for children and familes :) I leave next Wednesday, can't wait!
AaronR said:
when I get back, I'll tell you what I thought. Probably won't post any pics though since they should be unsuitable for children and familes :) I leave next Wednesday, can't wait!



I have been there on several occasions, yes its freaky deaky time but its all relative, I thought it was not near as crazy as say burning man out in black rock in Nevada. NOW that was insane as was the blue moon rave in thailand but if a wild time is what you want bring your own babe, the woman are not as approachable as some of the other places I go. you want singles fun the ultimate is in tahiti.the local girls kick a$$.
back to hedo:if you bring even a prude to Hedonism she WILL loosen up andshow a side you might not believe she had. this is all from personal experience (results may vary) last time I went was for the week of sunsplash the big reggae fest. anyway go alone or bring your own either way you will have a great time.
best regards David
ps one note about travel in jamacia, do not be afraid of the locals,what I mean is if you appear uncomfortable around the locals they resent it and THAT will draw aggression. dont beleive that stuff about staying in the all inclusive and only leaving as part of a tour. the peope are warm and hospitable. I adhere to this mindset wherever I go overseas and have never been robbed ,or had any crime happen to me. but I have got the hook-up with some insane fine women...oh yeah! married with children now so those days are gone without regret but I have many fond memories
its been 4 yrs since i was in jamaica(NOT hedonism). it was a lot of fun and the jamaicans were really nice. didnt feel 'unsafe' at all. then again, ive been in some pretty dangerous neighborhoods without incident. i agree, act confident and friendly and youre less likely to be a mark.

Ive heard that Hedonism is more fun if you byob. A female coworker I worked with couple years back used to go with her husband every year. But she never talked about it??

I LOVED tahiti. That is were we honeymooned and it was great. Locals are REALLY nice. If I was a young single guy that is where i would go as first choice. Beautiful scenery in every respect.:D