Anyone here been to Montreal?

18 January 2002
Glenview, IL
I may be visiting Montreal in a month or so with a few friends. What are the places to see in Montreal? Any pointers would be helpful.


I would second club supersex.... good place :) Most of the places on st. catherines are really cool. Lots of good shopping.

Make sure you go to MOE's for a smoked meat sandwich. They are the best!

It is worth checking out St. Josephs oratory. It is an incredible structure.

Just going there to have a good time so anything and everything would work...Supersexe sounds fun :D
Basically St. Catherines Street has all the debauchery you could ever need from bars to strip clubs..I'll check to see where the best clubs are
satan_srv said:
Rue Ste. Catherine is just a couple streets up the hill from there
Sweet :D

Let me know of any good night clubs or other hot spots to hit. Thanks.
If you're looking for the larger bars and clubs go to Crescent St, it runs perpindicular to St. Catherine. I like Winnie's (Winston Churchills) and Thursdays b/c they're a little more 'bar' than 'nightclub'. Great Irish bar is McKibbins (sp?) on Bishop, live music and Smithwicks on tap. If you're looking for 'adult;) ' entertainment, Wanda's is right around the corner from Crescent on Maissoneuve, a much shorter walk than Club Supersexe. As far as the Casino, I didn't much care for it. You can't drink while you gamble, you have to actually stay in the bar and pay for your booze:mad: . I was there on a Saturday and the crowds were three deep at the tables, people were betting on other peoples hands b/c there was no chance of ever getting a seat. If you play craps forget it, dices games are apparently not legal.
Otherwise Montreal is a fantastic city you'll have a blast, I always do!:cool:

NetViper said:
IMake sure you go to MOE's for a smoked meat sandwich. They are the best!

Yummy! I must have missed Moe's last time I went up, then again it is all still a blur.
Beer is cheap, strong, and supersized in Montreal. Must be the exchange rate or something. :D
Medieval times is a lot of fun.
I need to make another trip up there to buy some shoes from a independent shop who builds to order. The last pair I bought are worn out from overuse. The shoes are so comfortable I wear them as much as possible.

Watch out for law enforcement on the highway. The last ticket I received was during my Montreal trip. In A friggin minivan too!
At least they've pulled back the "no right turn on red" laws. It's still on Montreal Island and in specified places...but it used to be EVERYWHERE and every out of towner would get nailed with tickets for it