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Anyone hear from Shawn

3 January 2013
Tampa, Florida
Does anyone know what happened to Shawn? I need some work done on my car in Tampa and he is MIA. Does not respond to his phone messages, text or this site. Hope he is okay. Just thought someone may have heard from him.
I saw Shawn in early December. He moved away from Tampa. Real shame. I think he was put in a few bad situations by people who took advantage of his good nature and it hit him both financially and personally. On top of it, when he put his car up for sale, someone tried to pull a fast one with a scam involving wiring funds. Lucky his radar was up. I'm not sure if he sold his car, but he had a lot of work in it, it really ran, and had lots of TLC. But, net result was there were a number of experiences that made him want to take a break from the the car world not the least of which is another newborn. A real shame and loss for this community since he was enthusiastic, kind, full of energy, and willing to help. I hope he surfaces again, but with another kid and a new place to live, he likely has his hands full for a while with other priorities. But, NSX is in his blood, so it's a good bet he surfaces one of these days.
Wishing him well.
It's a shame that he's no longer available to the NSX community.

I often miss the frequent enthusiasm of folk like @shawn110975, @tbromley, and @DeHaldaswerth, @PHOEN$X, @Teej, @alum04org, @Meeyatch, and @Coconut to name a few.

Colorful & frequent activity has slowed on Prime noticeably since I joined in 2010, very ironically with the NSX falling into the world's radar more than ever before.

Everyone runs into life events that change their focus permanently or temporarily but I keep attributing some of these changes at Prime (and friends & family) to things like Facebook & Instagram, where instant gratification in a more social atmosphere is easier and takes care of the itch that Prime used to scratch. I believe the cell phones, texting and the facebook itch scratcher have virtually obliterated participation & engagement in social events all the way from NSX Prime to family Thanksgiving to places I go for live music. Why should my nephews be inspired to play that boardgame or game of pool after thanksgiving like we used to instead of snapchatting my friends. Why go out and catch up weekly with friends when you know what's new in their friends' lives every morning via my iPhone during breakfast.

In 25 years we may look back and realize how much Mark Zuckerberg ruined society even if he gave us ways to see what our high school girlfriends look like 20 years later.
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well boring me is still here...I own FB stock but don't use the product.Shawn was enthusiastic and is conspicuous by his absence. But he has bigger priorities in life and I hope he is embracing that aspect.Indeed prime has suffered by the plethera of other social media..but as in life there are cycles and maybe someday the pendulum will swing back in favor of sites like prime.I do think the new nsx will get us a few new and successful owners to join....I hope the reality of income equality will not create obstetricals....that is a nod to the old our gang comedies....
Still alive........ cant say anything right now. I visit the site daily don't worry.

all my NSX parts I have horded from the years 15K worth thrown in the dumpster.

my cell phone was left in a bathroom at a gas station LOL cant check messages or have access to phone numbers I had saved.

I probably have a full voice mail box by now.... my inbox is full daily I try to clear it out as it fills.

I will be back in the game soon.

a little hint is Huggabugga will be a permanent resident of the USA.

so guys I have no more parts till I get my shop up and running again. don't worry I still have access to full wrecks, used parts pile up quick so hang in there.

Eric email me your cell number I don't have anyones number anymore.
well there ya go! right from the horse.......best of luck to you shawn.
Yinzer: I miss tbromley also LOL he called me like 6 months ago looking for another NSX asking if I had a good priced one. I didn't at the time.

DOCL : love ya man.
Acuman : didn't we get your can all updated hope you liked all the work I did. your car looks bad ass trust me.
Tomcat : I will end up there one day LOL by the will of the gods.
docjohn : hit the nail on the head. love you to bro

RSO34 : you know all...... LOL
....you and me in a Turkish prison....and DocL with a pingpong ball in his mouth .......oh what a feeling...
That is why I never had FB!

Hate to say it but not being on FB in order to avoid all the Bad could create some Bad in itself. It could be argued that the only way some "critical" info needed in life is now shared on FB. FB is about the only way that some notifications and news is shared in my social circles, be it the local mountain biking groups, my monthly beer & wings buddies, the grouping of folk in my European ethnic background from all over PGH who host social/music events, or the ad-hoc grouping of neighbors in my part of downtown PGH where news is shared that directly impacts my safety and prosperity in my neighborhood. Plus once in a while there's just some "important must know" snippets about national or world news that you'd not hear on the nightly news and that I argue you'd be better off knowing about than not knowing. Summary - like access to the internet across the world that varies by socio-economic status, I hate to admit that access to FB could be a key differentiator to your place in society. My comments don't apply if you're reading this while stranded on an island undiscovered by mankind yet or are a fur trapper who will live out his life in a mountain cabin, as if you could read this there.

Threadjack holy hell. Sorry Shawn.
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I deleted my FB account years ago.
I don't regret it I feel I am not part of the Sheep

I only own droid phones as not to be the I-anything kinda person.

owned the rarest car ( no longer ) will again soon.

kinda stray away from the pack kinda person. make my own roads.

not bashing at all... my wife has FB, my wife has IPhone/Ipad/Ipod/Iwatch/ etc. etc.

not me.. :smile:
....you and me in a Turkish prison....and DocL with a pingpong ball in his mouth .......oh what a feeling...

You offered me the ping pong ball after you used it but I haven't had the opportunity to follow your instructions. I can mail it back to you before you go on your annual pilgrimage to Turkey.
I deleted my FB account years ago.
I don't regret it I feel I am not part of the Sheep

I only own droid phones as not to be the I-anything kinda person.


not bashing at all... my wife has FB, my wife has IPhone/Ipad/Ipod/Iwatch/ etc. etc.

Good to hear from you Shawn!

Ahhhhhh I disagree with you. You do indeed have facebook if your wife has facebook. I'll agree that you don't have facebook when your wife and kids aren't on facebook and are not getting certain news & info & updates on facebook that you then get.

Take care man don't stay a stranger.

- - - Updated - - -

Yinzer: I miss tbromley also LOL he called me like 6 months ago looking for another NSX asking if I had a good priced one. I didn't at the time.

He'll drop me an email or vice versa once a year, each time he mentions that too but then gravitates to P-cars. :) As long as he's loving life and cars still, all is good.
You offered me the ping pong ball after you used it but I haven't had the opportunity to follow your instructions. I can mail it back to you before you go on your annual pilgrimage to Turkey.

I practice safe b&T didn't you taste the purell...
I often miss the frequent enthusiasm of folk like @shawn110975, @tbromley, and @DeHaldaswerth, @PHOEN$X, @Teej, @alum04org, @Meeyatch, and @Coconut to name a few.

Colorful & frequent activity has slowed on Prime noticeably since I joined in 2010, very ironically with the NSX falling into the world's radar more than ever before.

Everyone runs into life events that change their focus permanently or temporarily but I keep attributing some of these changes at Prime (and friends & family) to things like Facebook & Instagram, where instant gratification in a more social atmosphere is easier and takes care of the itch that Prime used to scratch. I believe the cell phones, texting and the facebook itch scratcher have virtually obliterated participation & engagement in social events all the way from NSX Prime to family Thanksgiving to places I go for live music. Why bother playing that boardgame or a game of pool after thanksgiving like we used to instead of snapchatting my friends. Why go out and catch up weekly when I know what's new in my friends' lives every morning via my iPhone during breakfast.

In 25 years we may look back and realize how much Mark Zuckerberg ruined society even if he gave us ways to see what our high school girlfriends look like 20 years later.

So true... Even though I got off FakeBook years ago. This place has changed so much in the 13 years I've been here... The So Cal section had more activity back then then this entire site does these days. A changing of ownership and like you said, social media have turned the So Cal forum into a ghost town... Used to get 20 people to reply to a NSX canyon run with in a week now you're lucky to get 10 in three weeks. Gas is at a 15 year low and people still don't want to drive their cars:redface:

Good to see Shawn back!!!
Wow, sorry to hear about all of Shawn's troubles. He's a good guy and I hope he will emerge from it all stronger than ever.

As for me, I'm a little social media'd out. It seems like every day there's endless new posts of the same stuff on facebook and instagram (which I rarely check), with little tidbits of something new here and there, and I can't keep up with it all. It almost feels like a popularity contest sometimes, with people vying for "likes", and so I'm happy to go into lurker mode unless I have something interesting to contribute. Also, at this point we've pretty much shared everything there is to know about our NSX (and I'm not crazy about the new one), so I constantly see stuff like "Should I tint my windows?" "What wheels should I put on?" "What mods/paint/etc. should I do next?" Who cares? Don't be an insecure little bitch. Do what suits your tastes, and if you like the results, share your pics and generate as many likes as possible. Rinse and repeat.

Sorry for rambling, sometimes it feels more like work than a hobby, so I like to go on "vacation" and forget about it all until I feel the need to scratch the itch again. Meanwhile I get to dwell on the other insignificant aspects of my life, LOL.

Glad y'all are still alive and doing well. I still love this place, and my fellow NSX enthusiasts, even if I don't frequent here as much as I used to. :)
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"Who cares? Don't be an insecure little bitch. Do what suits your tastes, and if you like the results, share your pics and generate as many likes as possible. Rinse and repeat."

Love this...may I quote it?
