Anyone going to NSXPO?

21 January 2004
New Brunswick, NJ
Been beyond too long since I've attended and decided to go. Just signed up and will leave Thursday afternoon if anyone wants to caravan.
I'm going but heading to track for hpde
I’ll see you at the track, docjohn.
sweet...always nice to share the track with fellow enthusiasts.
I'll pick him up....
Are you confident to track your car after the most recent shut down?

I am. Based on feedback from others, the tech thinks that the new battery and cables will do the trick. Besides, this particular event isn’t hard-core. No one will be drafting me.

In racing, we say “If you crash, I crash.” But this being a relatively tame track day, I’ll have the space behind me to get off the track safely if it happens again.

I ran it it very hard today. Even caught air. (A first for me. Little scary.) When the front regained contact, it was very smooth. It landed with a big whhhhhoommmp. But it was smooth, and it tracked 100% true.

Point is, I couldn’t make it malfunction, try hard as I did.
My first NSXPO

I will be going to the track event and the XPO, leaving from Philly.
Thought it might be fun to detour over to Daisy, as I have heard so much about them.
It will be great to put a face to the people that post here...
Anyone want to caravan down Thursday AM?
look forward to seeing you Mike...hotel looks nice. Who else is going from the NE region?
Hey John .......... nice to hear you will be going. :smile: I am driving down from the NYC area on Thurs. morning if anyone wants to join in. Called Kid yesterday and he said he will not be going.
I'll see you at the gaylord.....boohoo on mike...
Hey John .......... nice to hear you will be going. :smile: I am driving down from the NYC area on Thurs. morning if anyone wants to join in. Called Kid yesterday and he said he will not be going.

I never got a call, most certainly going brother.
Looking forward to seeing more than a few familiar faces and meeting a few new ones.

If you have any questions - feel free to hit me up and I will be happy to provide whatever insight I can. Event is shaping up to be a lot of fun!

I never got a call, most certainly going brother.

Is there another Mike at your dealership? The receptionist gave me the wrong Mike? Who did I talk to on Saturday?

"Strange" :eek:

I probably should have asked for the guy wearing the shants. :smile:

Anyway, glad you are going. I'll ride down with you guys.
Is there another Mike at your dealership? The receptionist gave me the wrong Mike? Who did I talk to on Saturday?

"Strange" :eek:

I probably should have asked for the guy wearing the shants. :smile:

Anyway, glad you are going. I'll ride down with you guys.

I PM'd you my cell
maybe I'll run in to some track rats on 81 on tues....