Anyone going to IRL GP race 8/28 infinion?

21 January 2004
New Brunswick, NJ
Im going with Honda and Ill be be arriving on Friday AM in San fran... Anyone care to show me around or chill at the resort im staying; let me know.
MY girlfriend and I are going, we have tickets for all three days. I won't be able to show you around but I will look you up at the track. I would guess you will be at the AH tent or trailer or what ever they have. I hope you will enjoy your stay.
Thanks, Ill be at the american honda booth on sunday. Might be able to snaggle some extra passes for behind the scene coverage if your interested. :wink:
snaggle some extra passes
I'm there, seeing as how my former "good friend" Brian Mr. Honda Butts hasn't invited me. :mad: (Must've pissed him off here post 33 with my fatherly advice. :confused: )

And this is also a dare to the Sacto Chapter to get organized and go. Now I realize it will be traumatic for most of them to actually go to the races, because

1. it's not a wine tasting or detail day
2. people will actually be racing with laptimes
3. they won't be on street tires
4. and some will crash and hurt their pretty cars
ME! ME! ME!. :biggrin: Of course I guess I would have to buy tickets to the event to make those work wouldn't I? :frown: If it was CART I might be interested, but I'm not going to support the IRL because I don't really believe in what Tony George has done and or believes in. Going around in circles is really boring. And the IRL is about going around circles and this race is really a ruse to get more fans.

A good example of how good road racing can be was seen at NASCAR's last race at Lime Rock. That was an open road course and it really showed how well those cars can handle if given the chance. It also forced the drivers to brake, shift, steer either RIGHT AND LEFT all at the same time. What a novelty. We even saw a car lose it's brakes due to an exploded brake disc rotor, which looked really cool travelling down the track with the car sliding next to other cars. When it all stoped, you could see one of the brake pads on the asphalt runoff area literally dacing on the boiling asphalt from the heat the brakes generated. Also it was nice to see cars having to pit while the green flag was out and not just wait for another course yellow like most oval racing creates.

Either way I hope all have a great time at the event.

See ya,
To get more of the Sacramento and Bay Area crowd to show up. We just have to get Hooters to have a nice hospitality Tent for NSXCA members only :biggrin:

Thats what I talking about
Id love the see a bunch of Prime members and NSX's while im out on the west coast.
Might be able to snaggle some extra passes for behind the scene coverage if your interested. :wink:

I got 2 free tkt from Marlboro (i already quit smoking for about 4yrs now,, he he he) Sunday race 08-28-05.
I'm taking wifie with me. i'll devenitely stop by the American Honda booth to say hello and also hope that u still got some passes laying arround. :smile:
amgnsx said:
I got 2 free tkt from Marlboro (i already quit smoking for about 4yrs now,, he he he) Sunday race 08-28-05.
I'm taking wifie with me. i'll devenitely stop by the American Honda booth to say hello and also hope that u still got some passes laying arround. :smile:

come over to the Honda booth and say hi... Ill sneak you in. :wink:
come over to the Honda booth and say hi... Ill sneak you in. :wink:

COOL :biggrin:
See u there!!! I'll be there with wifie!
Yawn ..........yeah we (a Sacto chapter contingent) were there. We did go to our T-2 seats but soon gravitated back to drinking and eating in front of the fan and TV in the tent!!! Didn't see one bloody pass in T-2 !!

Ill be at the american honda booth on sunday
Apparently we missed you. :redface: Or, were you the guy sitting there with us in front of the TV? I guess not since he didn't have even one NSX thing on. Hopefully our designated greeters and social hosts Brian and Joe found you and salvaged our NorCal nice guy reputation.

I hope you enjoyed the race and some wine country ambiance. Most of all, I hope you didn't miss your plane trying to get out of there. That parking situation sucks, doesn't it?
Yawn ..........Didn't see one bloody pass in T-2 !!
I've been waiting for someone to jump on this one and explain how the IRL basically castrated the course layout by using the 9A chicane and that wimpy junior hairpin. Guess no one here paid enough attention to the race to even comment? :redface:

And I guess that TG's stewards knew many of their boys or equipment couldn't handle the speed that goes with the passing zones that hinge on the normal hairpin. That reduced the only passing zone to T-7 and Briscoe sure made a text book mess of that one, didn't he?

But hey, the highlight was watching poor little Ed Carpenter struggle to even get out of everyone's way. Haven't had this much fun since Hiro Matsushita retired. :tongue:
Ted were you at the races?. Yeah what the heck was the deal with the shorter track? and I was hoping for better support race series. The old Formula 1 cars were cool but, I thought the Mazda Pro series was with the IRL. I thought Sunday before the race was totally boring, nothing was going on the track until the Infinity Pro race. We finally did met up with Brian and Calvin on Sunday and we also found Kirk there, what a surprise. I am glad Tony K won the race, I got a good shot of him spinning off on t2 during Friday's practice.
Yeah Joe, F.L., Jeff Fong and I were there. We didn't get out of the Honda tent much since F.L. can't leave when there's free stuff still to be eaten or drunk.

thought Sunday before the race was totally boring, nothing was going on the track
As I noted before I thought the race was boring. However, since you mention Pro Mazda, you know the Star Mazda series likes to say "If you think formula car racing is boring, you've been watching the wrong formula." With fields more than twice as big as IRL, Champ Car or F-1, there's a lot of passing and dicing in those races. Never a dull moment.
92 white 0650 said:
Yawn ..........yeah we (a Sacto chapter contingent) were there. We did go to our T-2 seats but soon gravitated back to drinking and eating in front of the fan and TV in the tent!!! Didn't see one bloody pass in T-2 !!

Apparently we missed you. :redface: Or, were you the guy sitting there with us in front of the TV? I guess not since he didn't have even one NSX thing on. Hopefully our designated greeters and social hosts Brian and Joe found you and salvaged our NorCal nice guy reputation.

I hope you enjoyed the race and some wine country ambiance. Most of all, I hope you didn't miss your plane trying to get out of there. That parking situation sucks, doesn't it?

I was wearing a name tag :tongue: Overall the race was great! By the way, the food was fantastic. I stayed at the Sonoma Mission Inn and had a fantastic time. Look forward to coming out again.
I did spot a silverstone NSX at the track! :cool: