Anyone going to E3?


Experienced Member
11 March 2000
Cerritos, CA
I'm not in the gaming industry but a friend of mine is and he's flying in for the show. Any interesting after party that we can attend? I've heard Sony parties are pretty good for networking. How do you get invitations for that or any other parties?

Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated!

I've always wanted to go to E3 but circumstances prevent me from doing so. Now only if I could plan a business meeting at that time in that city it would be a different story. :o Have fun!
I always go to E3 (its kinda mandatory for me to go and conduct extensive "research"). I'll even be working at the Sony booth for a couple of hours on Thursday afternoon.

Anyway, I have NO idea how you can score tickets to the really need to know the right people to get invited. I can barely get myself into these things (and I work for a Sony owned game developer)!
Akira, if you hear/see anything that impresses you let us know! Particularly interested in Doom 3, half life 2 and halo 2. Ta!:)
I will be at E3 Wednesday and Thursday. I have some meetings at E3 early Wednesday afternoon, so I'll be walking the floor mostly Thursday.

I was lucky enough to score one ticket to the Sony party. Based on rumors on who would be performing, I am looking forward to attending. Past performers include Outkast, Foo Fighters, and George Clinton.

Unfortunately, like Akira3d, in spite of being a developer for Sony, it is still difficult to get extra passes for the convention and even more difficult to get even one ticket for the Sony party.

I'll be there on Wed.

I'm not technically in the game industry but our firm did most of the video game trailers and video work that Eidos will be showing on their large LCD screens and throughout their booth. Check em out!

We got many of our assets very late and we're actually *still* working on them.. :(
ajnsx said:
Akira, if you hear/see anything that impresses you let us know! Particularly interested in Doom 3, half life 2 and halo 2. Ta!:)
Some pre-E3 info:

Halo 2 will be released on November 9, 2004

Elements of Halo 2's online play were demonstrated quickly at the forum, showing off new additions such as the ability to wield two different weapons (one in each hand), along with some incredible physics details, such as the ability to blow hubcaps of Warthogs and to destroy other vehicles bit-by-bit. Microsoft's Peter Moore promised a "massive summer marketing campaign" to back the title, saying the company was looking to build a "buzz of epic proportions."
thanks fury:) i also read this yesterday on an australian xbox forum. Expletives flew fast and thick i can tell you.

At least i'll have my plasma tele in time for some widescreen halo goodness. The wait is killing me:( :(
Arshad said:
If you're going down, make sure to stop by our booth:

We'll be showing off several new upcoming games including HalfLife2, as well as our latest hardware! Should be a good show this year! Unfortunately I won't be able to make it down this year as I'm tied up with some other stuff...
Too bad. :( I would have loved to trade swag! ;)

rather than starting a new thread.... for those who haven't already seen (or have NO CHANCE of going to E3 :D )

<A HREF="">15MB Quicktime E3 Doom 3 Trailer</A> OR <A HREF="">66MB High-Quality E3 Doom 3 Trailer</A> but requires login.

Or if you care about Halo2, there's a <A HREF="">E3 HALO2 Multiplayer Trailer</A> (High Quality 226MB :eek: )

There are also trailers to other games as well: you can get them off fileplanet and other gaming sites.

Some of the other titles include:

Empire Earth 2 | F.E.A.R. | Far Cry Instincts (Xbox) | Ground Control 2 | Men of Valor | Prince of Persia 2 | S.T.A.L.K.E.R | The Bard's Tale | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 | Tribes: Vengeance | Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines | Catwoman | Cold War | Doom 3 E3 2004 Video | Fable | F.E.A.R. Teaser Video | Full Spectrum Warrior | Halo 2 Cam Video | Ms.Christine Interactive (PS2) | Imperial Glory | Legend of Zelda E3 2004 Video | Men of Valor | Metroid Prime 2 Echoes and Legend of Zelda

Just do a search. :D