Anyone going to Cars and Coffee in Houston June 5th?

25 February 2001
Denver CO. USA
I'm flying in on Friday, and we are taking the NSX over on Saturday. I don't get to take the NSX out all that often anymore now that I live in Denver, so I was wondering if any of you Houston locals will be at the meet.

I'm sure a few of us will go. TxTony usually goes.

I'll do my best to make it out there
Turns out I won't be able to go. I forgot I have a vet appointment that morning.
Got my vet appointment changed so I'll be there tomorrow.
I'm going to be rolling up there with Omar (adrenalineNSX)
New NSX owner here in Houston who just attended June 5th's Houston Coffee and Cars event. I will more than likely make this a monthly routine. I would be interested if a group would be interested in meeting up early with fellow NSXers.
I was showing both my vehicles on Saturday -93 red NSX and my guards red 83 Porsche 944.

Any NSXers in Houston able to make it out to this Sunday's, June 13th event to be held from 10AM-2PM on Washington?

I've been doing a few things to my car so I wasn't able to make this last one. But I plan on attending some of the future events, hopefully by the next Cars and Coffee, my car will be finished up.