Anyone for a drive this weekend in the NYC area?

4 November 2007
Westchester County, NY
I know its a long weekend and most of you will be away but I thought for any that are still in the area this weekend, you may want to do a Bear Mountain drive this Sunday? Or another location if someone has a better idea or is from another location to which I could drive.

Just checking to see if there is any interest at the last minute.



I see you are not tired from all the driving to Cananda and back eh. :) I would do a drive, early Sunday morning would be good to beat the traffic. I am sure lost boi would be interested if he's around.

Simon, thats great! 2 cars is the start of a caravan. I rarely get tired driving, let alone the NSX. I just want to get on some roads with turns in them.

Anyone else?

We can plan the particulars if we get more interest to see where we can go if someone from another area wants to join.


I would be, but on Sunday gots my tennis game!:biggrin:
I am up for a drive and will be in that area as well for a BBQ at Croton Park after so works for me. The BBQ is open to all who bring something FYI :biggrin:

What time does your tennis end on Sat? I am busy in the AM but the PM is a possibility, maybe? I can't go Monday. Sunday is best, but Sat PM is not out of the question. I could do 2 drives!:biggrin:


PM me for my address and we are good to go for Sunday. Simon still should have my info if not PM me as well. OK thats 3 cars and a bbq afterwords! What should I bring? What time is the BBQ? We can end the drive there. Any other takers?



What time does your tennis end on Sat? I am busy in the AM but the PM is a possibility, maybe? I can't go Monday. Sunday is best, but Sat PM is not out of the question. I could do 2 drives!:biggrin:

I'm tennis free on Saturday, just have to see when I'm going to visit my sales assistant who's recovering from surgery, won't know if she's up for it until morning, but my guess is it'd be early afternoon that I'd drop by for a short time.
Just put another coat of wax on the car this afternoon, it's looking good!:cool:
Im still up for a drive and will be up in that area Simon has my number as well so let me know early in the am if you guys wanna hit it.
I am still up for a drive this morning, however as it turns out I am tied up this afternoon. PM me for contact info. I haven't heard from Simon but I will do a drive reardless starting around 10:00 AM or sooner. I plan on hitting route 202 to Bear Mtn Bridge and then Storm King highway to Cornwall then back down through Bear Mountain 7 Lakes drive and back to Westchester.

If we don't get in touch this time, I'll see you guys on the next ride!
