Anyone ever wet sanded their car??

4 September 2003
Saw Tracy on Trucks (Horsepower TV) this weekend do a little wet sandind on the hood of a Suburban and the results were very impressive. Has anyone tried wet sanding one of their cars? My brother and I are thinking of trying to wetsand the hood of his 3 series to remove the swirl marks and give it a nice makeover. Any helpful sites on this stuff??

I would strongly recommend you have a professional shop do any major detail work like wet sanding, commonly referred to as color sanding. If you do not have a great deal (as in many hours) of experience with this technique, it can be a disaster. You have to have an excellent knowledge of paper grit and what works best with your paint type and how much you can cut off, as well as a good feel for the actual movement. It is much more invasive a tool than even compound and buffing wheels. At least if you take the car to a reputable shop, they have to back up the work ... if you sand through (very easy to do even if you are experienced), your SOL.
I saw the same show. Personally, I'm not that timid when it comes to buffing and I've made my share of mistakes to show for it. I recommend that you start with less abrasive techniques and work more aggressively from there.

My hobby is doing random car stuff and I just acquired a black car. The trunk was mostly white with oxidation. First thing I did was see if I could rub it off with my thumb. Next, I tried a fine cut rubbing compound. It made things worse. I tried it again and nothing. I then pulled out the big gun (my high speed rotary buffer) and after three applications with a fine cut machine compound, the trunk had a mirror finish with no traces of oxidation. I still need to follow up with a machine polish and finish the rest by hand.

I'm with you on this. I'm not too timid about trying this kinda stuff on my cars. My brother just had some paint work done and the hood doesn't fit with the rest of the car as it has some serious swirls marks on it. We'd like to try and have it look better and have a better finish if we couldn't wet sand them out. Any advice on which products to use?
