anyone ever used the engine compartment to store stuff?

26 June 2004
johnson city, tn
anyone ever used the engine compartment to store stuff? i will be traveling from tn to the fl keys and might need to store like my car cover sun visor etc in the engine compartment. i was just wandering if anyone had ever used this area to store stuff? will it be to hot? forums nazi i tried to use the search! and i hope everyone has a great holiday season.
I wouldn't use the engine compartment unless you are considering putting stuff between the engine cover and rear glass hatch. I think if you have something that is not affected by heat then it could be ok for temporary storage. You can also consider to remove the spare tire and somehow fabricate an area to store some odds and ends.
I have never even thought about that. I have completely packed my car a couple of times so much that I had stuff stacked around me in the cabin. :biggrin:
if you put anything in there, you would lose use of your rearview mirror for one thing.
I don't think it gets very hot though. Probably warm but not scorching hot.
I imagine NSX-T owners could tell more since the top is stored there.
Yes, I have done it before and I know some other North Easterners have as well. You loose ALL of your visibility but in a pinch it works well. It's deceiving, you don't have as much room as you would think. It works best for neatly folded clothing (plus the heat presses them nicely).
If you have enough room, why not fold it in a fashion so it can be tucked behind one of the seats? I wouldn't put it in the spare tire area because you might actually need the spare tire since you are making the long haul from TN to FL. Good idea, but too far of a drive to risk. As mentioned previously, I would never put it under the engine glass since it will put a limitation on your rear viewing capability.
We have used the space between the engine cover and the hatch many times for clothes and other foldable stuff.You can position it to have some rear view.At this years xpo we also used the front compartment.A small piece of rolling luggage fit perfectly(after much arranging) We also had to wrapp it in plastic to protect it from road spray.It got hot but did'nt melt!I almost thought we were in a Boxter,lol.
Mini Oven

Coming back from NSXPO 98, I put blankets and other soft items on top of the engine cover. The only precaution I took was to ensure (not insure) that looking into the rearview mirror was not blocked.

Also, at the next gasoline stop if you are not hungry at that time, purchase some frozen munchies. Things like burritos, hot dogs, mini biscuits, etc. Place them on top of the intake manifold. At your next stop, the items will be nicely and thoroughly heated throughout. Unlike a convention oven or a microwave oven that may lead to a scalded tongue, my food was pleasantly warm.
I have put suits and shirts in an hang up garment bag before on top of the engine cover... It really makes them warm and no wrinkles at all. I do it every now and again for business trips :wink:
interesting... i used it for the first time this weekend. I put food (WRAP VERY WELL AND TIGHT) in there b/c i didn't want my cloths in the trunk to smell nor my cabin to smell. One of the things that surprised me is that space between the hatch and cover doesn't smell.
Re: Mini Oven

AndyVecsey said:
Also, at the next gasoline stop if you are not hungry at that time, purchase some frozen munchies. Things like burritos, hot dogs, mini biscuits, etc. Place them on top of the intake manifold. At your next stop, the items will be nicely and thoroughly heated throughout. Unlike a convention oven or a microwave oven that may lead to a scalded tongue, my food was pleasantly warm.

Did you zip tied your burritos down? :biggrin:
I bought an artist portfolio case -- about 26" x 20" x 2", if I recall. It fits perfectly above the engine cover, and placed against the rear window does not rub on the window defroster wires.

You can fit an amazing amount of maps and books in there, if you pack it cleverly. It is easy to move in and out of the car, and keeps the vehicle interior uncluttered.

As long as you don't pack too much, the visibility is just fine. While you can't see the spoiler any more -- if the spoiler is missing you are in more trouble than impeaded rear vision!
custom & creative storage solutions!

Anyone modify/customize a roof-bag (ie. Yakima, Thule, etc) to work on top the rear-glass hatch? Or the roof? Or over the trunklid? Key point being, no chance for any surface damage(s)!

FWIW, a custom FRP container fabricated w/ fiberglass/carbonfiber which can fit & fasten in-place of the spare-tire under the hood would be a diggity solution & likely make for a nicely profitable project! Jus' saying... :D

(perhaps time to head to the container-store/etc & get out the heat-gun!)


Re: custom & creative storage solutions!

Anyone modify/customize a roof-bag (ie. Yakima, Thule, etc) to work on top the rear-glass hatch? Or the roof? Or over the trunklid? Key point being, no chance for any surface damage(s)!

FWIW, a custom FRP container fabricated w/ fiberglass/carbonfiber which can fit & fasten in-place of the spare-tire under the hood would be a diggity solution & likely make for a nicely profitable project! Jus' saying... :D

(perhaps time to head to the container-store/etc & get out the heat-gun!)



nice revival....btw dali has in the past sold a box that fits in the spare tire space for tools ect.
If you do this, be sure to protect the engine cover from any hard objects that may damage the felt covering, especially on covers that have been exposed to the sun on and off over the last 20 years.
The felt looks good until you make one little mistake and it rubs off.

I had to replace my engine cover after my then-garage put parts on mine and made it look terrible.
If you are transporting food items (hot dogs) you can always wrap them in aluminum foil and place them on the exhaust manifolds.
I have put my fishing rod and tackle box under the engine hatch glass. Kind of like a gun rack in the back of a pick-up truck!

I have also put a suite/garment bag up there on our way to an out of town wedding. (my wife didn't like what the heat did to her dress!)

The space is really small. Not as big as one would think. I thought my driving helmet would fit, no way...
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anyone ever used the engine compartment to store stuff? i will be traveling from tn to the fl keys and might need to store like my car cover sun visor etc in the engine compartment. i was just wandering if anyone had ever used this area to store stuff? will it be to hot? forums nazi i tried to use the search! and i hope everyone has a great holiday season.

Yes, I have (which should surprise nobody at all). :D

I have taken numerous trips where the trunk and passenger cabin are full, and I have put my backpack with clothes, OEM car cover and bag, and other random stuff, all in under the hatch glass without issues.

The only things you cannot put there (or in the trunk for that matter) are things that can melt. So, be careful with that.
Since what's "behind" you is of no importance and you have two wing mirrors to satisfy the legal end of it, fill it up, just mind the defroster wires.

I bake brownies, cookies, and muffins in a custom fabbed aluminum oven that replaces the targa cover.

Drive for treats !