Anyone doing the Tough Mudder this weekend?

19 December 2004
Glastonbury, CT
Depending on the car pool situation I may even drive the NSX there. I'm staying the weekend at a Condo. The race is only 11 miles, 12k vertical feet with 29 British Special Forces designed obstacles...:biggrin: I hope to see some other prime members testing their will along with me.
I've done one of these- DO NOT DRIVE THE NSX. Parking is in a field and you will have mud in every last crevice despite the poor attempts for them to hose you off in groups w a fire hose. You've been warned!
I'm doing the NorCal (Tahoe) in September. I did it last year and it was a great experience, can't wait to do this again.

Good luck and have fun!!
So I believe I have been convinced to not drive the NSX. I am actually walking to the event from a condo so it may have been fine, but in any case not worth the risk.

I think it should be a good time. We have a descent sized team. Now I just need to start training for the race...
Good Luck,

I did the one in Pocono Mountain Round 1, and am doing Tri-State (Englishtown) in October.
We are the drunken masters team. Sadly we have no shirts so we will be under the radar for the most part. I just heard there are free Tough Mudder Tatoo's at the end which also provides free entry to the next race. I may eat my words later but I find it hard to believe its worse that a Marathon from a finishing perspective although agreeably I will be unable to complete all obstacles. I will finish barring injury though. Be that the case, I am not sure it warrants a Tatoo. If I were in the Olympics that would be a different story.
The Mudder quite the experience... Everyone survived. I ended up using a GoPro and got some good video. I posted on you tube but it only works on a computer. I can't even copy the link from the iPad. Once back from the race I put the GoPro on the care and drove with some spirit. Now I am wondering about the probable cause to take a camera attached to a speeding car. Likely high I would guess.