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anyone considering using Science of speed as a vendor?

8 July 2003
I'd like to pass along my series of unfortunate events.

I bought the stage II stereo. I left the car with instructions of "Need to have it back by monday for a detailing service comign to my house." I get a call from Chris... car won't be ready till tuesday, so he is going to pay out of pocket for a detailer to come to his shop and detail the car.

Fast forward. Car will be ready today. Another call from chris. lady backs into my car in the parking lot right after the detailer is done with the car. *siiiiigh*. So I go there, check out the car. Ohhh yeah. NSX vs. Tahoe... not a pretty sight. Damage is cosmetic, basically right front 1/4 panel, light cover, and minor bumper damage, probably too deep to repaint. But likely a few grand in damage, as i think the 1/4 panel, bumper, and light cover are definitely totalled. Chris says he'll take the car to a place he trusts, cover any out of pocket from my end (none, i hope.. lady hits a parked car..?), as well as a rental if needed.

I think that's about as good as service will ever get. He could have just said "sorry car will be a day late..pick up tuesday" instead he detailed it out of his own pocket. Then could have just said "here's the insurance info from the lady.. let me know how it goes." since it was in a public parking lot..

PS. the stereo install looks great, and sounds awesome.
That's great!! A lot businesses have lost sight of what really matters and only care about making the dollar.
Chris may be out a few bucks for now, but I'm fairly confident that you'll be a repeat customer for many years simply because he was honest with you and went above and beyond to make sure you were taken care of.
To buy from these SOS guys is a no brainer. This is a legit business with upstanding people. Why risk your money on some stealing vendor you-know-who hoping to save a few pennies and ending up losing hundreds or thousands of dollars? :rolleyes:
I have bought a few thousand dollars worth of stuffs from Chris and he did what he promised.
Great endorsements guys and I for one, appreciate the feedback. I'm always leery about giving cash to folks who aren't in my backyard and having read a few horror stories on this board (I won't name names), I'm really stoked to read this.
I have bought and will buy again in future....Chris is great...Brent :biggrin:
You could not post anything that would speak any clearer about the core of their business philosophy. SOS is great - I have bought and will continue to buy from them. Stand-up people are tough to find today. Have you noticed that most people associated with our cars are stand-up?
Let me guess. The lady in the Taho looked more like a man with tatoos in a dress, had a deep voice, and responded to the name Seth?
No Juice...lol, I drive a 4Runner...

I did however pull up right after it happened, looked and saw the damage and I was instantly feeling sick. Partly because anytime I see a NSX get damaged(even minor) it hurts, and to have it be Gerry's car made it even worse...I mean I just watched it get detailed, and Gerry is one of the nicest guys I know...What a shame..
It was your typical equation:
Lady in hurry + big SUV + no lookie where going = wrecked NSX
And, from what I hear the lady didnt even realize she had hit something until her little boy started telling her she hit someone.

Anyways, I hope the car can get back to looking normal ASAP...

Take care all..
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Anytime Ive ever needed anything, SOS has been simply unreal! And their free (at one time) T-shirts are great work out gear. :biggrin: Everything except for the wheels and CTSC is from SOS, okay almost everything :rolleyes: There is alot of stuff on my ride!
Anytime Ive ever needed anything, SOS has been simply unreal! And their free (at one time) T-shirts are great work out gear. :biggrin: Everything except for the wheels and CTSC is from SOS, okay almost everything :rolleyes: There is alot of stuff on my ride!
Free T-shirt????!!!! Where is mine, Chris and Seth!!!??? :mad: :biggrin:
whiteNSXs said:
Free T-shirt????!!!! Where is mine, Chris and Seth!!!??? :mad: :biggrin:

Mike and others who checked out there booth at the last Nsxpo got one for free. From time to time they will also offer a free tshirt with a order over a certain amount.
Acura NsX Pilot said:
Mike and others who checked out there booth at the last Nsxpo got one for free. From time to time they will also offer a free tshirt with a order over a certain amount.

that was my first shirt, I got another with a large purchase :biggrin:
It is very difficult to find companies now days that still give good customer service. When I do find a company that has great customer service like SOS, I will continually go there. Props to Chris and SOS for great customer service! :smile:

On the other note, Gerry I'm sorry to hear about your car and I hope that it is being fixed by Hunter's. I guess if you look on the bright side, at least Chris was able to get the lady's information. Hopefully you will be enjoying your new stereo soon!

Have a great time karting today! I wish I could go. :frown:
You know if you guys ever get sick of AZ, Grand Rapids, MI has a ton of vacant real estate! Plus, there's always tons of street races happening at the drop of a hat so you can test your new mods against the best GR has to offer! :biggrin: Right Meeyatch??
yes, chris and seth and the gang are great guys. years of nothing but great sales and service.

had the fortunate opportunity to stop by their shop (pretty much unannounced)and they pretty much stopped business just to give me the attention they felt i deserved

just good people.
a buddy of mine runs an s2000 and he speaks very highly of them as a vendor and shop. his word is good enough for my buesness but it's good to hear it from other people too.
These guys really are great! Chris recently handled my coolant tank warranty like a pro. I'm more than happy to be a SOS supporter!