Anyone buying guns?

26 June 2002
Another idiot went into a school in California this time with a shot gun to kill two kids that bullied him. He shot one who is said to be ok. A teacher talked him out of his weapon. I was looking at AK47 the other day to purchase while you still can. Am I crazy for even considering gun purchases? I take kids to shooting range occasionally but with mostly semi auto 22s because they are cheap. I am almost positive Obama will pass new gun control laws. I am ok with waiting periods background check, whatever, but don't like him taking away our gun freedoms. Is anyone buying or stock piling guns now? I thought about a shot gun purchase, fun to shoot, and pretty good protection for your home. Any feedback? :cool:
gun shows in Pa are getting record attendance...of course people are buying the weapons and ammo/mags that they feel may be regulated......assault rifles will be under more scrutiny than handguns and shotties....
Might be smart to get one if you want one. If nothing else, if they get banned, you could probably double your money.
Some stricter regulation wouldn't bother me, I already own a nice "assault" style rifle, and I'm not altogether that interested in getting another one. I think that gun shop owners are probably loving Obama, and have been for the past 5 years. For a guy who has yet to do anything to restrict access to guns, he has created a TON of sales.
I obtained my "conceal / carry" permit last September, and was planning on getting a nice carry piece. Didn't get around to it, and now all of this stuff has happened --- I understand prices are through the roof, and that is assuming there is any inventory. I already have a revolver, and will wait until things "quiet down" and prices come back to normal before I go and get something else. I can't imagine that they (Obama) will be able to go but so far on gun ownership. Could be wrong with this crowd however :eek:
Me and my lady will be guns shopping next week. That was one of her late Xmas present. I already have a Glock 45 and a Colt 45 Gold Cup. Had a Desert Eagle 50. cal but it was just to big to carry around. I am thinking about getting me a Desert Eagle 45mm and a Baby Desert Eagle 9mm for her. I like 50. cal but it was just TOO big. What do you guys think about Desert Eagle???
Only after the hurricane this year did I start considering owning a weapon. I have been looking at the shotguns , learning towards a Benelli. There was looting going on in nearby towns, so it made for some concerns. Personally wont consider a handgun for the safety factors involved with having a young child in the house.

Funny though when you see people talking about permits to carry concealed all around the country. Here no one gets a permit to carry as far as I know.
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Only after the hurricane this year did I start considering owning a weapon. I have been looking at the shotguns , learning towards a Benelli. There was looting going on in nearby towns, so it made for some concerns. Personally wont consider a handgun for the safety factors involved with having a young child in the house.

Funny though when you see people talking about permits to carry concealed all around the country. Here no one gets a permit to carry as far as I know.

I thought about getting a shotgun but I rather get an AR :biggrin:.

I do have two handguns already could used a bigger piece for the home protection :wink:.
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Easier to miss with an AR...Thought it all through. Scenario being totally dark ,someone coming into bedroom door and getting marksmanship skills needed.

Problem with 5.56 is that it can travel through your attacker, then your wall and into your neighbors house and kill them
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Easier to miss with an AR...Thought it all through. Scenario being totally dark ,someone coming into bedroom door and getting marksmanship skills needed.

Problem with 5.56 is that it can travel through your attacker, then your wall and into your neighbors house and kill them

Not with these hands and I'm not really a heavy sleeper. Plus I always wanted an AR-15.
They look really mean, but just not for me. If I was able to attain a real H&K mp5....that would be another story.
Nothing to do with all the shootings but I'm building another ar15
I already own enough; however, I have became the liaison to friends of mine that are just now taking an interest in firearms. It's staggering the amount of people that I never knew that had an interest in owning a gun, let alone something like an AR are now willing to go out and blow asinine amounts of cash without hesitation. Even a very close friend of mine that has a phobia of guns since he witnessed his step dad commit suicide when he was 9 even came to me two weeks ago asking what he should get and how. I found it surprising, but this is the current state of affairs and it has much more to do with firearms.

The prices are just absurd right now, the most recent AR I purchased ironically shipped the morning of the CT shooting and has tripled in value since. But value also implies that I would ever sell any of them. NRA memberships are up 100k since then and Magpul has a backorder on over 1 million pmag's and have been working round the clock since. Definitely crazy times.

It's difficult to speculate on what laws may or may not go through, bills are coming in from all over the place. If you want one, be ready to pay. If a ban comes in and restricts the transfer just remember that the AR that you just overpaid for has a value of $0 at this point.

They look really mean, but just not for me. If I was able to attain a real H&K mp5....that would be another story.

Every firearm is just as mean as the next.

If you want an MP5 you're going to have to pay; however, you can get the MP5 clone that shoots .22lr!
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Might be smart to get one if you want one. If nothing else, if they get banned, you could probably double your money.
They are more than doubling their money now. I have a friend that owns 9 Ar's. I recently put just one of his Colt 6920's that he pd $1200.00 for sale. It sold same day for $3500.00. He sold 7000 rds of 223 for 5600.00 in one day. He has 44,000 rds ordered ordered for resale. It's rediculous what people are paying out of panic.
They are more than doubling their money now. I have a friend that owns 9 Ar's. I recently put just one of his Colt 6920's that he pd $1200.00 for sale. It sold same day for $3500.00. He sold 7000 rds of 223 for 5600.00 in one day. He has 44,000 rds ordered ordered for resale. It's rediculous what people are paying out of panic.

Does he do this for a living? I have roughly 10k rounds of 223 on backorder from various places. 20 PMAG'S still on their way too. Tried to get everything I could before prices shot up.
..............have you guys seen the prices on phased plasma rifles in the 40 watt range......
..............have you guys seen the prices on phased plasma rifles in the 40 watt range......

Still too high, wait a few weeks and all of the hoarders will start unloading once the market prices start to decline
I got my OD Five seveN.
I paid twice what it would have cost a month and a half ago.
But, OD is a discontinued color that matches my PS90 so...
Remember the Prime creedo, "buy once, cry once".
Been wanting to pick up a Beretta CX4 Storm in 9mm... Alas, none are readily available.
Does he do this for a living? I have roughly 10k rounds of 223 on backorder from various places. 20 PMAG'S still on their way too. Tried to get everything I could before prices shot up.
He is a State Trooper. He's hoarded ammo for years. He had around 10,000 rds at the time of the shooting. He never really had any intentions on selling but the money was overwhelming. He's ordered 44,000 at 569.00 per 1000 and getting $800.00 per 1000.
He is a State Trooper. He's hoarded ammo for years. He had around 10,000 rds at the time of the shooting. He never really had any intentions on selling but the money was overwhelming. He's ordered 44,000 at 569.00 per 1000 and getting $800.00 per 1000.

smart man, I wish I would of had the insight. I would of stocked up on more LaRue's. I've been seeing those things fetch $5-6k+ without problem. Not bad for a rifle that goes for $1600-2200.
Glock in the glove box, the movie "Predator" doesnt have anything on me.

Crates of 30 Round mags.

One of my Rifles I have not even fired as its a .50 Cal
Easier to miss with an AR...Thought it all through. Scenario being totally dark ,someone coming into bedroom door and getting marksmanship skills needed.

Problem with 5.56 is that it can travel through your attacker, then your wall and into your neighbors house and kill them

roflmao.... AR's are very accurate but in the middle of the night yea maybe tougher..... thats where the shotgun comes in handier....