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anybody know this guy???

2 January 2004
Seattle, WA
anybody know this guy with screen name huyduchoang......
apparently i bought a set of 91 OEM wheels from him, but i only received 2 our of 4 wheels.....
paid him long time ago...over three months already....he cashed the check.....but all i recieved was 2 wheels...and that's like few months after he checked it....
last time i pm him asking what's going on.....he said he forgot about it and said he will send them as soon as possible....but i only received 2 wheels.....then i pm him again.....no response since then.......
just want to know if anybody knows him....and does anybody has bad experiences buying stuff from him?
Do you know his screen name? Did you buy the rims in the for sale section?
Thats a damn shame man. I'd like to think, as well as the rest of the members here, that NSXPrime.com has a higher standard than other automotive enthusiast sites. People that treat you like this really ruin the faithfulness that most of the people here have for NSXPrime's good rep as far as buying and selling. When someone receives a negative rating because they straight up SCREWED another member, they should be blocked from participating in the market place indefinitely. Once again, I wish you luck in getting your wheels. If you end up getting screwed, contact me. I am pretty sure I have a couple of 91 wheels laying around. You pay shipping on what I have, and they're yours.
What could be corrected in the Trading system is for example that huyduchoang's rating is now (0) but he has both a positive and a negative rate.

With a (0) zero I would not have opened it... thinking it was empty and I would have never found out about freelance201 comments.

Furthermore, I think that a negative weights more than a positive comment, maybe twice as much? Taking the profile to (-1) ... just my 0.02.