Any Veterenarians here? or recommendations

1 July 2005
Cypress, CA
Sorry guys, i know its off topic, but by dog is a bit sick, I'm really concerned and i need him to a veterenarian asap. Anyone in the Socal area a vet or can someone recommend me one before i lose my wallet. Thanks guys

WealthBuildR said:
Sorry guys, i know its off topic, but by dog is a bit sick, I'm really concerned and i need him to a veterenarian asap. Anyone in the Socal area a vet or can someone recommend me one before i lose my wallet. Thanks guys

That sucks man, I hope the condition is minor.

Depending how severe is the condtion is. If it is minor, don't wait, just take it to the neighborhood animal clinic. But if you can tell the dog is really really sick to a point that he/she have difficulty breathing. Take it staight to the real animal hostpital immediately.

The neighborhood animal clinic will not be able to treat serious conditions, and you will end up paying for nothing. They will just refer you to real animal hospital in the end. Wasting your money and valueable time can could possiblity delay the treatment. That is what happend to my baby.

If the dog is in serious condition. The best one is Advance Critical Care in Irvine/Tustin. They open 24 hour, oxygen thearpy, surgical, staying overnight, etc.

You get what you pay for. When your baby is sick, you do whatever it takes, lasting thing you should worry is cost.
We take our animals to the 'imperial highway animal clinic', it's in Yorba Linda - a bit of a drive from Laguna, but the two clinics in the area didn't inspire much confidence, and my family has used Dr.Adam for 15+ years. Years ago my sister even worked as an assistant for Dr.Adam, he's a great vet.

Here is the info:
Imperial Highway Animal Clinic
17455 Imperial Highway
Yorba Linda, (CA)
USA 92886
Tel : 714-996-7610

Hope everything turns out well.
Thanks so much John & Jason for the recommendations. Condition is minor, but i plan to take him tomorrow to get checked out. Thanks again guys

WealthBuildR said:
Thanks so much John & Jason for the recommendations. Condition is minor, but i plan to take him tomorrow to get checked out. Thanks again guys


Glad everything is ok... You should get pet insurance from They have hospitals in alot of the petsmart stores, very convenient, and alot cheaper in my opinion. I have both my dogs on that program

Hope it works out well for you. I had problems with my puppy and took her to the West Valley Emergency clinic. They did good and it cost me about the same a Vet would charge. A good vet at reasonable cost is located in Glendora CA but I know that is a bit out of your way so I assume that they other posts are more useful for you. Good luck.
