any tips on accessing the thermo cover bleeder?

27 December 2008
Bowser, BC, Canada
Changing the coolant, following the service manual. Everything is going well, although it took a while to find the front engine drain plug. Now I've run into a problem. How the heck do you get to the bleed bolt on the thermostat cover? It is buried under a lot of hoses and wires. I can barely see it, let alone reach it. Is there any special technique? Do I have to remove the air filter? I have the SOS metal overflow tank, if that makes any difference.

Would it be a problem if I don't open this one bleeder? (i.e. would the air work its way out of the other three bleeders?)
You want to open that bleeder. It's easy enough to get to. If you're really struggling, take off the air intake tube as you mentioned. Use a boxend wrench on it and don't over torque it when you're tightening it back up.
I use an extension and wobble end, works perfect.
You don't want to ignore this one, there is air trapped there all the time, should be vented a few times during the coolant change.
Thanks for the replies. Removing the air cleaner did the trick. I was able to sneak a box wrench under the remaining hoses to reach the bleeder.