Any time exhaust with slightly blatty sound. Empty cats the problem?

7 March 2004
Any time exhaust with slightly blatty sound. Empty cats the problem?

I just replaced my blown comptech exhaust with an Anytime exhaust. I love the exhaust but it has a slightly blatty soud. Is this due to hollowed out cats? Would test pipes make the same tone as empty cats. Running a DC sport header. Any good replacement cat recompendations?

(Note previous owner hollowed cats)
When removing or hollowing out the cats, the exhaust will sound blatty. Funny, this is the same word that I used to described it when we took off supergreen125's cats. He was back a week later asking to put them back on. Not a little louder, but a huge step up in volume and blattyness(hey, a new word I just made up).
Take care,
John ;)
When removing or hollowing out the cats, the exhaust will sound blatty. Funny, this is the same word that I used to described it when we took off supergreen125's cats. He was back a week later asking to put them back on. Not a little louder, but a huge step up in volume and blattyness(hey, a new word I just made up).
Take care,
John ;)

wouldn't that be blattiness? :D
You could always drive the car around and fight crime.. and become... Blatman!:D