any snowbelt nsx'ers run the x year round?

I commute year round in mine, except for snow, ice, salt, sand, etc. Nothing good can come out of driving in that mess.

No snowbelt but I had mine out in the snow playing last year.

I will park it soon and do not plan to take it out this winter. But you never know :D

Here is when I had it out in december last year.

nsxtasy said:
Most owners do not refer to our cars as an "X", as noted in this previous topic. Maybe you are confusing it with a 300ZX or an MDX...

Maybe he meant he took the NSX out once in the snow and now it is an X NSX. Remember the person that smacked the curb hard when he took his X out for a drive in very little snow?
Tony Montoya said:
Maybe he meant he took the NSX out once in the snow and now it is an X NSX.
Could be...

Tony Montoya said:
Remember the person that smacked the curb hard when he took his X out for a drive in very little snow?
That reminds me... if you go through a nasty divorce, don't let your X drive your NSX, or it could become an X NSX! :D
Wasn't there someone in Canada who drives his NSX in winter and even wrote an article on driving an NSX in the snow ?? I thought I read it somewhere on some previous posting ...
Just be carefult not to drive the NSX to be an X NSX .. :D

Cheers .. Gus
bsudiro said:
Wasn't there someone in Canada who drives his NSX in winter and even wrote an article on driving an NSX in the snow ?? I thought I read it somewhere on some previous posting ...
That might have been me. Here's the link:

I have since had another 2 1/2 years trouble-free winter experience and can confirm no ill effects of salt on any part of the car. In fact, I just put my winter tires back on last weekend and am ready for my 4th winter without reservations.

If I were to re-write the article today, I'd only add that the car starts reliably at -35C without the use of a block heater and that I've personally driven it on the highway for 5 1/2 hours at -36C (after blocking off the center intake in the bumper) without any mechanical problems or with the cabin temperature or with the windows fogging up. The only other thing I'd add would be my comments about the salt (above) because the fear of corrosion seems to be keeping a lot of people from considering it. Oh .. and I'd put in a large warning in bold print not to try this without proper winter tires.
I was considering giving it a try this winter, the car is so great in the rain that i'd like to see how it does in powder with proper tyres (I know it's not the same thing, just saying). I have a very short commute (live in the same town I work in) so it seems doable.
I have driven my NSX to elevations in excess of 12,000 ft, had it in the snow. I've had it at sea level and in temperatures above 100F. I've had it to triple digit velocities. The only thing I've NOT taken it to is here: The sign says "Danger: Do not Enter if Wash is Running"
The thing that bothers me about the salt/sand mixture they thrown down here in Maryland is not that I'm worried about corrosion, it's that it gets kicked up by other cars and pelts the front of whatever you're driving.
mskrotzki said:
The only thing I've NOT taken it to is here: The sign says "Danger: Do not Enter if Wash is Running"
Keith would:

nsxtasy said:

Well, Maybe Keith would, but if he did he may have answered the definitive question: Will an NSX float.

The water was running about 20 mph and was likely about 2 feet deep. This was on the road to Chaco Canyon in New Mexico in April 2004. We were about 8000' above sea level and it had snowed the previous night. Chaco it self, our destination, was about a mile beyond this point, which became our destination.

I probably at the time had the filthiest NSX in history. It took about 2 months to get all the mud off the undercarriage, wheel wells and engine compartment. Even the underside of the engine cover was spattered with mud. Currently there is no evidence remaining.

The one good outcome is that I'm still married. Had I refused to try the trip, I'm not at all sure that would still be the case!
mskrotzki said:
...I probably at the time had the filthiest NSX in history. It took about 2 months to get all the mud off the undercarriage, wheel wells and engine compartment. Even the underside of the engine cover was spattered with mud. Currently there is no evidence remaining...

AWESOME!! I like it!! Do you have any pictures of the car after that trip??
Meeyatch1 said:
AWESOME!! I like it!! Do you have any pictures of the car after that trip??
Here are some. I have every respect for those of you who keep your NSX pristine [mine ain't bad looking], but my greatest joy is DRIVING the car. You only live once, and the wholly integrated feeling of the NSX is as good as it gets.

Drive More!

The pictures do no justice -- it was far dirtier than it appears. I'm just waiting to get a digital camera back that will accept my Nikon lenses.

But it was still a lot of fun. I love the body language of my wife. [She hates the NSX]